The Tories are playing their old trick....slap the poor down as hard as possible, run for cover and see what happens. IDS should know better. After all he spent the last few years after being kicked out of the leadership of the Tory Party factfinding.
On the surface it would seem eminently sensible to do something about the housing crisis in Britain today. But they should be building new council houses, not hounding old people out of the homes and communities that they have been living in for years.
Building new council houses would get 10,000's of the dole, replenish our housing stock and reduce the growing band of ghastly private landlords that have sprung up in Britain these last few years. All those unemployed chippies, sparkes, etc would no longer be a drain on society any more, and they would have more money to spend, which would be double gain for Britain, so whats not to like ?
Britain doesn't need more "executive" housing, otherwise known as expensive houses, that nobody has the money to buy. We need affordable housing that ordinary people can live in.
The minimum wage in Britain is only £6.19 an hour ! What kind of mortgage does anybody think that they can get by earning such low wages.
We wouldn't have the minimum wage at all if it wasn't for the Labour government bringing it in. The Tories had 18 years to enact such legislation but couldn't be bothered, because " there was no such thing as society" apparently.