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London Bombings

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silly moo | 15:19 Thu 07th Jul 2005 | News
6 Answers
Although my heart goes out to all those injured and killed by this morning's bombs, I thank God that my daughter is safe and well.


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I am really glad your daughter is safe and well.  Sadly there will be a lot of people getting bad news tonight.  I hope nothing else happens.  Take care.

There are a lot of people getting bad news every night.

Yes this is a bad attack but I grew up in London in the 70's and 80's  bombs are not a new threat to us.

Right now 30 people have died - that's roughly half the number that die on the roads in UK in a week.

I think it's important to keep a sense of perspective 

jake-the-peg a very down to earth, practical and warm posting. What you say about London in the 70s and 80s is so true - thankfully I was no longer there in the 80s but I remember the early->mid 70s very well. The anguish, the worry, the horror but that is so far behind us and suddenly today history is being lived all over again.

I'm so glad your daughter is ok, silly moo. I understand your relief.
My heart goes out to everybody tonight who have been affected be it physically, morally, emotionally. Please everybody, take care.

I am also very glad your daughter is safe & well silly moo. This whole issue is very worrying & sickening!

It is sickening but it shouldn't be worrying.

They are very limited in what they can achieve and whilst it's tragic for those families affected we can't let them frighten us into changing one iota.

If you change any part of your life because of this it's a small victory for them.

If you stop travelling abroad. If you avoid London, If you don't let your kids go abroad they win.

The IRA stopped because they realised they couldn't win  

There are 6 Million in London ten times that in the country.

Perspective is everything

well, i'm glad i left my job in covent garden last month! Living next to king's cross, i used to take the picadilly line there around that time. Now, i always get the chill when i hear about the bomb there.I also feel disbelief that we 'Humans' as we call ourselves, can do such things. No animals would seek to destroy its own kind, even more in such a malicious, perverted and atrocious way. i can only feel disgust for what these people are capable of doing. it's sad.

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