The weights given equate to a lump about the size of a grapefruit. In order to get it to go off you need to bring the lumps together with great precision, the best bet is a spherical implosion wave.....All this is public record stuff, by the way. nothing you cant fiind in a textbook.
Plutonium is much more easy to use as a weapon than uranium...with uranium you need to purify the isotopes, which is tricky, but all plutooinum is essentialy weapons grade....
If you want a dirty bomb anything will do, it just has to be spread over a wide area.
The shape of the fissile lump is important, as you need the statistical likelihood that each fission will ignite two others. This is dependant on the barn ratios of the elements invovled as well as the denity of the material, but generally a sphere is best.
But I strongly advise you not to try it. Honestly all this stuff is in standard texts...but in terms of practical details it is very hard indeed to put together a bomb even when you know how it works. It took the yanks and us years.
take up knitting instead