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ToraToraTora | 21:43 Thu 16th May 2013 | News
28 Answers
As a nation also planning to leave the EU I'd have thought Mr Farrage would be an ally of the Scotts. Confused!


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It would seem he is in exactly the same position
but the Scots don't want to leave the EU
Question Author
well jno we'll find that out in 2014 but if they choose independence then they will have left both UK and EU.
Right-wing Tory (effectively) gets heckled in Scotland.
Are you surprised??
you never know, if the Scots do cut loose it may mean the UK automatically leaving the EU as it isn't the UK any more. If Scotland has become a different country, so has the union they've split from.
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sorry I think you are on the wrong thread.
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right so 6% of the UK leaves the UK but the rest of the UK get's thrown out of the EU! Wonderful Troll logic! Ironically I hope you are correct however I don't think we are that fortunate.
jno, a wee bauchle bearing a remarkable resemblance to a chubby Droopy and his sidekick from the Boots makeup counter are not "the Scots" as luck would have it. :)
...furthermore does Farage support Scottish Independence, which is the other side of the argument, assuming that it was Scottish Nationalists who were after him anyway.
and I have to say I rather enjoyed that news item :-)
It does seem strange Tora Tora Tora.

Anti European Unionists that are staunch UK Unionists (I suspect that is true of Farrage). All the more odd then that the English Unionists are very anti Scotland and Scottish people but don't favour a breakup of the UK.
Ah, Jno, you make a point that I have more than once made here on AB; namely, that I cannot see how the name, 'United Kingdom', can apply to a political entity when/if one of the only two original kingdoms involved in that union leaves.
quite so, Quizmonster. The remaining piece of land will have to rename itself Cameronia.

And then when London secedes too...
TTT, it's like Czechoslovakia splitting up. You don't end up with one new country, you end up with two.
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If one person leaves a club of many the club remains the club.
I would imagine that should the Scots produce a surprise result ans actually vote for independance then there will be a mad flurry of activity working out the details.

Part of than would be with the EU and I'd be very surprised if they didn't negotiate recognition and membership as part of the transition.

Still don't see the movement of public opinion they need though
True, TTT, but this isn't one person, this is six million people. Or, put differently, this is a club of at most four members, being the different countries of Wales, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland.

It's not clear what the consequences are for the rest of the UK if Scotland were to leave, but they're not likely to be trivial.
One consequence Jim would be Tory Governments in England as far as the eye can see!

So it's rather ironic that Cameron and chums are actively fighting the No cause
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94% of the UK population would still be the UK, I'd say that means we are sadly still in the EU. However, every cloud etc, jake is correct as the Scots by going "Independent" would hand the Tories power inpurpetuity, come on guys vote for independence, you know you want to!
Left Wing bias BBC chose to describe that Left-Wing mob as 'angry protesters' whereas others called them an 'anti-Ukip mob' who were shouting "racist Nazi scum".

/// A UKIP spokesman said it was "ironic" that anti-racism protesters were chanting "go back to England" at Mr Farage and his Ukip colleagues. ///

/// As Mr Farage was escorted away by police, protesters chanted "Farage is being lifted" and "How does it feel to be treated like an asylum seeker?" ///

And I wonder how they would also know, seeing that very few asylum seekers choose to seek asylum in Scotland?

/// Earlier, Mr Farage explained his strategy for Aberdeen Donside, a seat left vacant by the death of SNP MSP Brian Adam last month. ///

/// "Aberdeen was formerly a great fishing port, and is no longer as the common fisheries policy has cost thousands of jobs in Scotland while at the other side of the North Sea Norway controls its own waters and controls the fish within it," he said. ///

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