Numbers of smokers seem to be stubbornly fixed, are we now down to the hard core that only extreme measures would effect. What measures do you think would reduce smoking further?
Smoking does not cost more than the government receives in tax revenue for tobacco. If you have proof that it does I would love to see it. Leave the smokers alone for crying out loud and maybe look at the rate of alcohol consumption and the damage and cost of that.
I had a paper from the health policy unit in Newcastle that showed exactly that Daffy - but it was about 8 years old so I won't repost it or repeat the claim now because the numbers will have changed hugely with the smoking ban and taxation changes in that time.
It certainly *did* cost the government more at one point, whether it still does I don't know.
It's complex people who get NHS treatment for lung cancer would get treatment later for other illnesses if they didn't smoke and died later but you have to factor in hidden costs like people being off work due to smoking related illnesses whereas they might otherwise die in retirement
Just carry on the way we are going, I think. As long as people believe in personal freedom, that includes the freedom to damage their health, apparently.
"What measures do you think would reduce smoking further? "
Chop off their hands?
I'm a non-smoker myself, but if people want to smoke then let them get on with it. As above, their life, their body.
I would have thought alcohol was a much bigger problem in this country.
/// Perhaps non smokers can have the legal right to use water cannon against anyone polluting their air space with tobacco breath? ///
Would the internal combustion engine also be within their sights, because I am sure all that hazy polluting atmosphere we see above our cities cannot only be from tobacco??