I was intrigued by the best answer in birdie1971, particularly on his view that the Guardian was hilariously Left wing. I suspect Birdie1971 is American, apologies if I'm incorrect and the days of Macarthisim are still overhanging some people in the US in the 21st century, that anyone showing a slight bit of socialism is very left wing or a communist. If you want a very left view have a look at the Morning Star (But I suspect you'll view this as communist Stalinst rubbish), but the Guardian, hilariously left wing and the Daily Mail hilariously right wing, depends what you view on hilariously and left and right wing is, but in terms of the Guardian I think your wrong. I agree the Daily Mail is right wing and regularly goes too far but in my view should defintly not be used as a source of unbiased news, they were one of the reasons the UK voted to LEAVE. But the Guardian which even sometimes criticises Jeremy Corbin and the Labour Governement, hilariously left wing as really? Good attempt though Birdie1971 and I agree with you Al Jazeera is Centre Ground (Though most people I speak to think it supports terrorism – but there you go again amazing how views are born) and I will have to look at Russia Today, as I thought it was a Putin supporter (See even I have a biased view). But I think what is worrying in today's society is that we seem to being influenced by very rich small minority, who own a lot of the media outlets and most possibly have a right winged bias and you have to be very careful on the what we deem as unbiased news? Your views are not totally incorrect Birdie1971, but from someone who possibly comes from a country where right wing capitalism has been at its heart for the last 100 years where your coutry have been governed by money men I have to think there is some bias in your suggestions.
And my opinion (God help me socialist view) is:
1) Channel 4 Newsgroups
2) The Guadian
3) The Independent
4) Al Jazeera
5) MSN (Although this I do wait to be corrected)
6) The Times
7) Euronews
I wait to see if I agree with Russia Today