With the recent uncovering of ethnic paedophile and rape gangs, did Jeremy Forrest become a victim of the justice system trying to prove that everyone would be dealt with equally? The length of sentence for his less than serious "crime" seems to confirm that.
No, it was just child abduction. However willing, what must her parents, friends and family, and his own family have thought while they were running away and in hiding?
I don't understand why people are so keen to exonerate him of all blame. He showed serious misjudgement, and risked ruining her life as well as his. Yes it's a serious crime.
He pled guilty to five sexual offences and the sentence he received for them was four-and-a-half years, six months longer than the minimum in the sentencing guidelines.
Would you be happy for your 14 year old daughter to be taught by a man who had previously had sex with his 14 year old pupil and then taken her to France without her parents knowledge?
Those charged with rape in the Rochdale case got between 9 and 19 years imprisonment. Forest got just 6 months more than the minimum sentence.
No, he is not a victim. He behaved wrecklessly and the sentence reflects that. Not sure why you needed to refer to "ethnic paedophile and rape gangs" as those cases are not comparable with this one.
He got what was within guidelines. His own counsel didn't think it appealable. The maximum for the intercourse offences is 14 years each. If he didn't want the sentence, he should have applied the sense which we expect of teachers.
It may be that judges don't regard a boy being seduced by a teacher as being as serious as a girl being seduced by one, and, of course, neither woman abducted any youth from his parents and hid the fact