News0 min ago
Correction - The Ne Is Not Desolate
But Lancashire is
Happy Yorkshire Day
Ed's Edit: Geography
Happy Yorkshire Day
Ed's Edit: Geography
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Does the site no longer automatically display long urls shortened ?
The DJHawks one did not shorten.
Does the site no longer automatically display long urls shortened ?
The DJHawks one did not shorten.
Desolate: unoccupied, barren, solitary. This was the definition that was meant, but that doesn't make a good news story does it. A lot of the North East of England is 'desolate' moorland, large forests and areas of outstanding natural beauty, so to be 'affronted' by that description of 'desolate' displays a lack of knowledge of what the NE of England is really like.
here are a few of the more desolate places in lancashire
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sorry for the ridiculously long url things
sorry for the ridiculously long url things
jno -thats just what the papers are looking for nit picking for a non-story. -Many words have different meanings -even double meanings. IN CONTEXT of what he was saying he was referring to the fact that the North East of England was less inhabited and potentially more suitable for Fracking. Well over my dead body, buts that for a different thread..:-)
jake -Southern eyesores -back atcha! :-))
http:// uk/sear ch?q=ey esores+ Souther n+Uk&am p;rls=c om.micr osoft:e n-US:%7 Breferr er:sour ce%3F%7 D&o e=UTF-8 &rl z=1I7XX XX& gws_rd= cr& redir_e sc=& ;um=1&a mp;ie=U TF-8&am p;hl=en &tb m=isch& amp;sou rce=og& amp;sa= N&t ab=wi&a mp;ei=6 Dn6UfGT J4j84AP znIDYAw &bi w=1600& amp;bih =775&am p;sei=_ Tn6UeT5 CIe14AO Po4HwCg
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