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@AoG Still trying to make a case out of thin air, I see.

You said this
"/// However, as a general note, Lunchtime UK would not seek to dismiss any employee due to just one honest mistake.” ///

That of course is not a declaration provided by Lunchtime UK, but only an assumption made by the Cambridge News."

Except, of course that it was, in fact a declaration provided by Lunchtime UK

From the article;
"A spokesperson for Lunchtime UK added: “Following an incident involving Alison Waldock at one of our schools a full investigation was carried out prior to suspending her on full pay.

“A standard disciplinary procedure ensured which resulted in Alison Waldock being dismissed for gross misconduct.

“She was represented by the GMB union throughout the whole procedure and is now entitled to appeal through the tribunal system.

They continued: “Obviously we cannot provide all of the details surrounding the dismissal. However, as a general note, Lunchtime UK would not seek to dismiss any employee due to just one honest mistake.”

So thats a verbatim quote for a spokesperson from the company, rather than, as you claim, an interpretation by the newspaper.

And yes, I do say this fits the DM agenda of plucky Brit disadvantaged by nefarious foreigner. To their lasting credit they were brilliant with the Lawrence case - but that one campaign does not alter the general tone of the paper.

And you still have not answered my question. Why is the background of the father of the child in question germane to the dismissal of the dinner lady? Would it have made any difference were he an upstanding citizen with an unblemished record? More to the point, would the DM have printed it?

And, if it is not germane,as I contend, what would motivate the DM to print the story? The answer is obvious- its juicy scandal it portrays the father/family in a poor light, and is designed to elicit additional sympathy for the dinner lady.

I said it was nonsense because it was. I had no way of telling whether it was a mistake, though I am happy to take your word for it.
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/// What I don't understand is that this Zahid and Rumana Darr ASKED for Alison Waldcot to be dismissed ///

/// the Mail doesn't actually say this, it just attributes the claim to Waldcot. It may still be true, of course. If I'd told the school my child mustn't be given a certain food, and a staff member ignores this, I'd be annoyed too, whether I was an illegal company director or not. ///

*** Zahid and Rumana Darr asked for Alison Waldock to be dismissed ***

Dear me have you also made a mistake?

/// I wonder, in passing, who told the parents? ///

The headmistress, no less.
It's good that they're going somewhere they'll feel more at home.
I have looked at the mother's facebook page and although she does refer to emigrating she does mention why.
That doesn't stop the DM assuming, though

Is this the 'some good' you refer to?

///The Darrs are now moving to the conservative UAE///

Not at all Racially motivated then?

So do I Ludwig after they have paid this country what they owe.
Where's the good in taking children away from the fresh free air of England to have them brought up in the stifling atmosphere of a Middle Eastern Sultanate?
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/// I have looked at the mother's facebook page and although she does refer to emigrating she does mention why. ///

Is it any wonder given her husbands record?
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No chance of their kids being served gammon I presume.
"/// I wonder, in passing, who told the parents? ///

The headmistress, no less. "

Thank you. I still wonder why, though? Since the girl hadn't eaten the gammon, it wouldn't seem necessary. But perhaps she felt she should say "Look, please tell your daughter that gammon comes from pigs and she shouldn't touch it, she nearly ate some today."

Perhaps the headmistress had her own doubts about the dinner lady. But that's just speculation. Personally I don't think she will take this case to a tribunal, for whatever reason, and we will not hear any more details.
how about this, your child eats halal meat unknowing, you don't agree with the method of slaughter of animals, but it get served without the child's or your knowledge, that i suspect happens much more than say mistakenly giving a child meat she shouldn't eat. No one to protest to, because chances are it's being served in schools with no one's knowledge.
they had been doing that in supermarkets, so why should other outlets be any different. I think the supermarket have to label goods, but not sure how effective it is.

In prison there are clear guidelines on Muslim prisoners, and what they can and cannot eat, i really don't think that schools have made that choice. If you are feeding a thousand children in a senior school, would it be feasible to have non halal and halal...
and before anyone says well they are slaughtered that is all that counts, there are plenty of people who do not care for method of killing of animals, so one should be at least given the choice.
far better to kow tow to PC and muslims and sack her than be accused of having common sense in any way or form and keeping her

about time we told these sort of people whos country it is and that their religion doesnt hold sway here and if they dont like it then get out pronto
emmie, all New Zealand lamb sold in supermarkets is Halal, even though it's not marked.

The majority of lamb and chicken served in schools, hospitals, pubs, at football grounds etc is Halal.

My family choose not to eat Halal so we don't eat beef, lamb or chicken away from home.

so why if it wouldn't be the parents wishes would it be served in schools, yet each dinner lady, person has to know exactly what needs certain schoolchildren have to have. Yet those who don't care for halal are not given a choice, hope that makes some sense.
other than giving the child home packed lunches. And if the school doesn't tell the parents it's halal, then they may well be eating something they don't want
I am still wondering why Alison Waldock was sacked just because the Darrs ASKED for her to be sacked ?.
no one is sure that is what happened.....

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