I don't know about you, Khandro, but I'd like it if politicians were more coherent, wordier, and said things that didn't mean they'd have to spend time apologising later. I don't find "Bongo-Bongo Land" offensive, just a silly thing to say. If he had a serious point to make, and I agree with others who say that he did, then he should have made it seriously. In a way, by "saving time" in the speech he's given everyone a perfect excuse to distract themselves from the main point.
This could have been a debate about what happens to the aid we give to African nations. Instead it's turned into one about what he said exactly and what was meant by it.
Maybe he shouldn't have been so hasty in the first place -- spent time in the speech making his point clearly and uncontroversially, so as to save it later not having to defend such a strange comment.