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Should She Be Made To Remove Her Burkha?

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anotheoldgit | 08:22 Sat 24th Aug 2013 | News
155 Answers

/// The woman, from Hackney, east London, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, ///

Surely not for legal reasons but because she is wearing that blooming Burkha?



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But sighted folk do need to see the accused, corby. They need to see her reaction to evidence when in the dock and they need to see her face if she gives evidence.. Facial expressions form a substantial part of our judging people
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If a foreigner, or practioner of another religion is arrested in a muslim country they dont get any concessions,they are treated as just another criminal, so why should people expect to be treated any differently here?
As I said on the earlier thread, if the only concern is that the lady in question may be someone else (and that does appear to be the concern if the article is to be believed - perhaps a big if) then that can surely be got around. If there is another particular reason then presumably the judge can demand the veil be removed.
there's no mention of a jury here. The judge just wants to be sure he's seeing the same person each time. I would have thought that could be done by leaving the job to a female court official or using fingerprints/iris scans/DNA tests (the judge wouldn't be able to introduce these, fo course, it would be a matter for the court system as a whole).
"The wearing of the Burkha obstructs one aspect of body language, facial expression"

Oh i beg your pardon, i thought the law was dictated by hard raw evidence and not the guessings of a few would be arm chair pyschologists.

Not only should she be made to remove her burkha, they should be banned in this country as they are in France - the garment is not part of religion but a persons choice to wear it, if my choice was to go out naked (perish the thought) I would soon land up in prison.
FRED if abjuror needs to see the accused, why are those who are blind allowed to sit?
"Oh i beg your pardon, i thought the law was dictated by hard raw evidence and not the guessings of a few would be arm chair pyschologists. "

I must say that was also my thought. Although I'm not sure that applies here anyway
Yes and everyone knows covering yourself up is equally as offensive as a naked adult in public.
I often wonder if the jewish religion has similar attire for the ladies would there be this much drama about it?
Brenden, I couldn't agree more.
There is no law in the UK that states that you may not walk around naked.
If anything, a blind juror may be in a better position to judge since the verdict reached would be based upon the evidence submitted rather than some vague opinion of an accused's body language which may not be genuine in the first place.
Yes, odd that, ichkeria. It is against the law in Scotland. The famous Naked Rambler was untroubled until he crossed the border. In England he was only at risk under local law for the town he was in. Places have a power under statute to pass laws for the good governance and order of their area.
Exactly, corby, the body language may not be genuine in the first place. And what clues do the jury have that it is not? They see them and hear them. The blind man can only hear
Things have come to a pretty pass when a demure young woman is exposed to the lascivious gaze of all and sundry at the behest of a judge.
"There is no law in the UK that states that you may not walk around naked. "

There's the unwritten law that you will be dually attacked by angry parents and quite rightly so!
The naked rambler is due to appear in an English court in September.
Is this naked rambler mentally ill or just trying to be offensive and difficult? What happens if he stumbles on a family of ramblers who have young kids, should they be forced to see his offensive naked body?
"The naked rambler is due to appear in an English court in September. "

Will he be allowed to wear a burqa??
I'd hate to think that the judge's lascivious gaze might affect proceedings :-)

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Should She Be Made To Remove Her Burkha?

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