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50 Years Since Racism Ruled In Britain

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mikey4444 | 09:34 Tue 27th Aug 2013 | News
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What a long way we have come in 50 years. Good job the EDL weren't around then !


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Something similar cropped up in the recent C4 series about living on 1949-level benefits. The black guy was turned away from his booked accommodation because of his colour.
Further shocking racism in Bristol
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Svejk...your post is somewhat obtuse...not sure what point you are trying to make here.
Although registered as a charity that organisation is funded by Bristol City Council.
If you tried to set up an equivalent white only organisation I expect you'd find yourself in trouble.
The director said on TV 'We supply black carers because black people don't like having white people in their houses' She also said 'We help black people sort their benefits out because they don't like dealing with white officials'.
This was a programme extolling their virtue.
I'm sorry you found it obtuse but I was just helping you highlight racism in Bristol.
More evidence for you, Mike. Its disgraceful, isn't it.
To be honest, svejk, we often have that problem the other way round with elderly people. I have had many clients who were uncomfortable with a black carer. However, they are allowed to state preference for male/female carer, but not colour.
Boxtops, I watched the programme about 1949 benefits.
Very entertaining it was too.
But that's what it was, an entertainment show. Do you believe the little black fella was turned away from the lodgings and slept in a shop doorway. Hoho.
Svejk, are you saying that the story of "the little black fella" did not happen or that it could not have happened to him or anyone like him? Just trying to clear up what your grounds for doubting such a story are.

I don't think it is case now of people thinking in racial or racist terms but feeling compelled not to utter those thoughts. Such restraint, if any belongs in the older generations. The young, who see black and white footballers embracing one another as team mates and who themselves are likely to have been brought up with children of a different colour, don't seem to harbour the same beliefs or prejudices.
Fred. I think the delighted jig he performed on receiving his wages gave the game away. £15 for picking cabbages all day out of which he had to pay £11 for a room in the pub. I rather doubt they had a Starbucks in Sheffield in 1949 but to be left with enough money for a cup of coffee after a hard days work is no dancing matter.
As I said it was an entertainment. But I was surprised to see it referenced in a 'news' story.
Pixie. I have some sympathy for the preferences of the elderly, black and white. Perhaps we could pander to them in their dotage, resources permitting.
It can't be right to deny choice to
white people while extending it to black people, can it?
Racism isn't just from whites to black people I know Asians who hate African black and Caribbean black people too and I mean hate, they certainly don't hide their racism but then perhaps that's accepted because they aren't white people being racist?
Svejk, are we talking of £4 (£15 less £11) in 1949 : "Doubt if they had a Starbucks in Sheffield in 1949"? In 1966, £4 would have bought you a meal, a live band to dance to and a cabaret with a star act, supporting acts, and showgirls, at the Savoy Hotel, so you can imagine what it would have bought in 1949 ! The figures have been adjusted in some way
Dunnitall, racism is racism. Doesn't matter if it's a case of, say, an Asian being racist to an African. Do these cases get reported to anyone?
Allow me to simplify things for you Fred.;)
You'd have to pick an EEC sized mountain of cabbages to earn £15 in 1949. Similarly, you'd have to find the one pub in Sheffield that charged the same rates as the George V hotel in Paris.
It goes like this.
Wages= 7/6d. 37.5p
Room= 5/6d. 27.5p
Profit = 2s. 10p
Of course, while people were poor, they weren't daft. I expect you'd have got 8 cups of coffee for 2s in 1949. Still, hardly a dancing matter.
Fred, they won't necessarily be reported as some don't think that black people being racist to other black people as racist, funny that, or not..
I base my opinions not on the colour of the skin, but whether the person is nice, pleasant, helpful, if they are none of those things, but rude, spiteful, even hateful, then life is too short to bother with them.
Although you're 1966 scenario was the stuff of Playboy Magazine fuelled dreams to a poor valley's boy, I can remember, in my short life, getting 8 pints for £1. And a salubrious non-suite room (shared by 5) in Plymouth's finest for the same.
Racism is world wide, it is not just white people who are racists, they come in all colour and creed.
It’s high time ‘black’ organisations were disbanded. They do nothing to encourage harmony but serve only to exacerbate the perception of difference. One rule for all.
Quite agree Naomi, that includes positive discrimination.
We aren't denying them the right, as such, svejk, because nobody has that right. I do understand what you're saying about their dotage. They are far less used to it than we are now. I do think it works both ways and black clients also shouldn't have that option. But i can count on one hand how many black or Asian elderly clients I've seen over the years.

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