As regards John Kerry's quote about France being the USA's oldest ally, perhaps we shouldn't forget Norman Schwartzkopf's claim that, "Going to war without France is like going deer-hunting without your accordion"!
When I hear or read the term 'Special Relationship' in this respect, I recall an image of Maggie and Ronnie out horseriding togehter - just a couple or rabid old facists, totally out of touch with reality, and probably with each other, in any meaningful sense!
I think, like a lot of soundbites, it sounds a lot cosier and important than it really is.
I think it's largely mythical. Countries look after their own interests, and form relationships when it suits them. The British media and politicians need to stop going on about it because it looks a bit pathetic.
it's just diplomacy. You'd hardly expect Kerry to say "We welcome any suggestion that the French will join us even though we don't like them much." Likewise it would require a lot more than a UK parliamentary vote for him to say "That's IT, the special relationship is OVER, get lost limey scum."