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The Four Indian Men Convicted Of Rape And Murder Have Been Sentenced To Death.

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sandyRoe | 13:15 Fri 13th Sep 2013 | News
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New figures released by the Delhi Police reveal that a woman is raped every 18 hours or molested every 14 hours in the Capital. Shockingly, the majority of the attackers are below 25 years.

Sadly , this trial and conviction will i fear , not alter much the above shocking statistics ; untill women are not seen by men as second classs citizens , and are treated with respect .

I was listening to the radio the other day where a group of women were being interviwed and was appaled to hear what was the reality of life for women going about their business .

One lady said that groping of women on buses was prevalent and that they just had to accept it as a way of life .
Usual lefty drivel about deterrents. yes there is no such thing as a 100% deterrrant, there is always a nutter. tell you what I don't really care if it's a deterrent or not, they won't do it again. That's good enough for me and, if, it deters most then great. how many murders per head in 1960? how many today? QED! To be fair though I hav mellowed in recent years and if life meant life I'd drop the capital punishment request.
TTT - "Usual lefty drivel about deterrents..."

Are you refering to my post by any chance?
/they won't do it again/

the number of convicted killers who kill again is already statistically insignificant so again, capital punishment doesn't make any difference
I don't suppose any amount of facts or arguments that are put forward in favour or against the death penalty will change people's minds.
so lets let them off then, no point in spending public money keeping them in one of her majesty's holiday camps is there?
Good they have been convicted, Not so keen on the death penalty being imposed, personally, but hey, its their country, their rules I guess.

From the sound of things, it seems very unlikely that the imposition of the death penalty in this case will offer any kind of effective deterrent for future potential rapists. What is required is a paradigm shift in the way in which men regard women within Indian culture, and this death penalty is unlikely to offer that.

On the positive side,it may well offer relatives and friends of the victim, and the morally outraged a sense of closure and justice. On the other hand, it may well obscure the need for a cultural shift in attitudes towards women.
/so lets let them off then, no point in spending public money keeping them in one of her majesty's holiday camps is there? /


So your proposal is to let off murderers without any sanction?
That displays moral bankruptcy

(and if you think Lifers are subjected to a 'holiday camp' existence, you obviously don't know much about prisons)
just taking your own logic to it's conclusion zeuhl.

Do you think the death sentence has an effect on murder rates?

//Baldric - sorry you don't wish to pursue our debate. //

No point really, you are not going to change my mind,
I am most likely not going to change yours,
No point in wasting the afternoon batting it backwards and forwards,
We will still not agree.
// Has justice been served? //


a proper sentence for a horrible crime, if the penalty is imposed they will not reoffend.
all I know sp is that muder in 1960 was a lot less common than it is today.

/// With the sentence - Yes, under Indian Law. ///

What as Indian law got to do with it?

On either agrees with the death penalty or one disagrees with the death penalty.

Having said that if it became law in this country would you also agree with it because it was British law?
AOG - the question is not whether jack agrees with the detah penalty or not - the question is, has justice been served.

her response is clear - under Indian law, it has been served.

That does not indicate an acceptance or a denial of the validity of the sentence, or the death penalty.

/// Baldric - if sentences were deterents, our jails would be empty - but clearly they are not. ///

Read what he said,

/// And if carrying out the sentence it makes a few other guys think twice
before doing similar then it's no bad thing. ///

If it makes 'A FEW' other guys, not all such criminals, what do you suggest andy, that they should all be given just a 'good talking' to?

they raped and murdered her in such a brutal fashion i am not surprised at the verdict.
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Life imprisonment without any hope of ever being released. That would be punishment enough.
AOG - "If it makes 'A FEW' other guys, not all such criminals, what do you suggest andy, that they should all be given just a 'good talking' to?"

Leaving aside your apparent intention to put words in my mouth - something which sends you into instant paroxysms of rage when you perceive it as done to you - I do not believe that any person who commits a crime is remotely deterred by the notion of the sentences received by others.

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