I agree with Old Geezer, relationships do go stale, men do tend to tease, not realising it upsets us, most don't know what to say. Everyone goes through rough patches, I know we have. Having children, we tend to focus on them and not on our relationship, that's natural of women, men feel neglected. Could you maybe get someone to babysit and have a night together, sometimes we just need to put the spark back into a relationship. You also need to find something that is for you, could be a job, volunteering, being a parent helper at school. It could help you feel better about yourself, give you more self worth and feel more yourself.
I've been there where you are, I worked at it did what I've said. Been together 27 years, 5 kids, 4 grand kids and now enjoying life with the 2 of us and 2 adult kids still at home. Life is hard work sometimes, it's easy to be dragged down with it.