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Oxford And Rochdale Pakistani Groomers

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sp1814 | 17:24 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | News
16 Answers
This story seems to have horrible echoes.

Will we be seeing the same level of coverage in the right wing press (and here on AnswerBank)?

I would be interested to hear from those who so (very rightly) championed the earlier stories. Why do you think these Irishmen targeted the girls in question?

Was it...religion?

Genuinely interested...


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I can't see any mention of religion. May have missed something, but as far as i can see the problem is the vulnerability of youngsters in care homes, as well as, obviously, evil people about.
What colour are they?

Orange or Green?
It was because they realised there was a loophole in the law that meant details could not be released. Due to the data protection act details of children in care could not be revealed even to the police. They took advantage of vulnerable teen age girls knowing that even if they were reported nothing could be done, nothing to do with religion.
The carers knew the girls were being targeted but as they were over 16 and free to leave the care home if they wanted nothing could be done.
I don't think sp is suggesting religion has anything to do with it. On the contrary. That is the point, unless I've misunderstood.
This is not the first scandal in NI involving children's homes. There was Kincora, which I seem to recall was tied up with loyalist paramilitaries and at least one Unionist MP. But probably nothing to do with the Protestant religion per se
Similar cases have been reported all over the UK it is not just one area, there are lots of similar problems in London. Several local authorities have no care home places at all and all kids from those areas are housed away from home sometimes 100s of miles away. There are cases of kids from the South Coast area being sent to Scotland . The isolation increases the chance of children being befriended and groomed by peadophiles .
Just keep quiet SP. No one is interested in it.
SP is suggesting that the two bear similarities – but they don’t. In neither instance was it religion – but in the case of Asian groomers their perception of the worthlessness of white western girls is the major contributing factor. Unlike the Irish group, their aim is not solely to have sex with their victims – their intention is to degrade and to humiliate.
I’ve re-read what I said last night and I’d like to clarify it. Certainly in the Irish case religion was not involved, but in the case of the Asian groomers, whilst their religion does not directly encourage them to act quite as appallingly as they do, it does endorse the perception that women are possessions, that they are less intelligent than men, that they are less worthy than men, and that they must be kept in their place. Therefore, fundamentally the misogynistic culture emanating from their religion is culpable.
that is it in a nutshell, it may not be religion based but these idiots have long turned their heads away from abuse, in children's care homes, church and their affiliate organisations, despicable.

"The horrors of these crimes leave us only to pray for the victims and work towards ensuring the perpetrators are brought to justice," he said.
the case i cited recently of Muslim men targeting Sikh girls, widespread and been going on a long while is religion based, the men inveigled themselves into the girls lives by their pretence of being from the sikh community, background, then groomed the young girls, many too young to understand, and sadly the girls are the ones paying because the sikh families had not reported the crimes to the police, instead ignored it, or sent the girls away, as one lass i mentioned before who now lives 6,000 miles away from all her family, friends in America, whilst the men have largely got away with it, because of the families inaction.
Emmie, I think a similar perception of ‘shame’ is prevalent within all antiquated eastern cultures. Once ‘tarnished’ – even by rape - a girl is deemed unmarriageable and so the plight of the victim is ignored and silence within families reigns.
the girl who now lives in the USA, has gone to live with a type of foster family, she must be desperately lonely and unhappy. If only her family had gone to the police, sometimes it's been ignored by the police, but if they kept on perhaps this wouldn't go on, she is now shamed and as you say unlikely marriage material in their world...
It never was 'religion' but it should be pointed out that there are over 4000 Muslims living in NI and we don't yet know the identity of the perpetrators.

The common factor in all these cases, as already pointed out, is the failings of the care sector.
hc,// there are over 4000 Muslims living in NI and we don't yet know the identity of the perpetrators. //

Good point. When I said “Certainly in the Irish case religion was not involved”, that didn’t occur to me.
Don't care for the taste of the 'BAIT' so I will just swim past on my happy way.

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