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Update On Micmak.........

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Jeza | 23:16 Mon 30th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I went to the hospital today and he was pleased to see me. He did not pull away and asked me to take him home. As much as he wants it, it's now out of my hands. I told him to accept his treatment ( not pulling out tubes, refusing to eat or drink etc,) and then he would get better and come home. I would say I saw a SLIGHT improvement but when I spoke to the ward nurses they did not agree. When I tried to ring today before I visited I could not get a reply from the ward. This went on from 9am to 1pm. I realise they are busy but........ Also while I was there from 2.30pm until 4.30 pm I listened for a ringing phone. It didn't happen. Yet doctors, nurses etc. were milling around yet doing nothing. When I asked about not answering the phones They did not give me a reason. My guess is the phones in the ward don't ring. Maybe someone knows better. Rowanwitch maybe.


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Keep with you the way you saw him today Jeza, as per the phones , if a ward has a contact number it should be answered albeit not immediately in busy times.
Oh Jeza, how awful for you. Thinking of you both.
Jeza, look on line for the hospital. The website should give you details about whose assistance you should seek with any concern that you have.

I am pleased you saw an improvement.
not been around for a while Jeza, sorry to hear that micmak is in hospital, always got along well with him.....give him my best wishes please..........x
Hi Jeza. Pleased to hear Mic's a bit better in himself and not telling you off today! Keep smiling and just visit whenever it suits you. It would be nice to be able to speak to them on the phone for a bit of reassurance I agree. Perhaps now they know you they could give you a more direct phone number?

Sleep well.
So pleased to hear Mic was pleased to see you Jeza, I'm sure it was the medication yesterday making him a bit aggressive, it happened the same with my Mum. Thinking of you both x
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I'll also add I've not heard as yet from social services. Early days I suppose as they are busy too. I do have a direct number to the ward and I've also been through the switchboard and the website. I've told him of all the ABers who have asked after him but most of the time he is asleep.
So pleased to hear he is slightly better. When himself was in hospital I couldn't even find out how he was doing after his operation - they couldn't 'locate' him. Maddeningly frustrating but inevitable. Stay strong, you have done a fab job so far, x
When my husband was in hospital with his last illness I was allowed to go in and sit with him all day for as long as I wanted. I could have stayed there all night as well. I didn't because of needing to shower etc. and it was a men's ward. They even supplied me with a reclining chair so that I could sleep if I needed to and I could have had their food. I am sure if you ask they will help you Jeza. I feel so sorry for what you are going through. Micmak is a lovely man but I know the difficulties. Mine asked me to bring in tablets for him to take. As he was heavily sedated I was able to sidestep that one but I still feel guilty that I did not do what he wanted.
Sorry to hear Mic's in hospital, please give him my best regards. Thinking of you both. x
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Sher I know how you must have felt. When Mic was admitted I told them he had never been to that hospital before but one closer to home. They came back with his records. Age 54 NO 64 Suffers from epilepsy NO is diabetic NO. Their reply, are you sure. I blew my top. We've been married for 34 years don't you think I'd know, you've got the wrong man here.
contact PALS at the Hospital and tell them the ward doesnt answer phones.
Obviously they will need 'evidence' ie keep a note.
More advanced switchboards can monitor/record this on line automatically

If that doesnt work - write to the Chief Exec

(been there, done that )

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Thanks Peter. I have been to the website got their number and will ring them in the morning.
Oh Jeza, I am truly feeling for you at this time as I was there in Feb. My darling hubby pulled all his tube out was paranoid, hallucinating etc but it was all the side effects of his medication. Be strong, do not forget to eat and try to get some sleep ( I got some pills from my GP not addictive ) Big hugs and kisses to you and Mic.
sorry but I found PALS useless.
Thinking of you both Jeza with love Dee x
Nice to see you are a bit brighter today love to Mic..xx
Dee Sa - inter hospital variation - some PALS are
hence the default procedure - plan B to contact the Chief Exec

obvious safety concern that can't be ignored

also if they arent answering the phone what else are they too busy to do ?
Post-Stafford, a chief exec can't look into his coffee and say: dunno really.
they ring but unless there is a ward clerk the nurses don't often leave patients to answer them. It might be worth phoning very early say around 0630 to catch the night staff or around 1400 when lunch breaks are over Also contact the PALs office its not making a complaint just making the hospital aware of something to look at.
The incorrect info issue.... write to risk management team they will be 'interested'
Stick with it, don't let the medics fob you off, as they're inclined to where older people are concerned.
Oddly, a lapsed member of this site - BIGJACK - was mentioning Micmak the other day, but I've only been a rare visiter myself; I'll pass on the news.

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