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Is Red Ed Fair Game For The Mail Here?

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ToraToraTora | 13:00 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | News
81 Answers
I don't think so, even if his dad was a raving marxist it does not justify using that to knock Ed.


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Lots of people, myself included attacked Thatcher, in her life time and during her showbiz funeral, for her polices, not her fathers policies.
This Thatcher ,Lady as people call her,she was a Lady
sorry , hit the wrong key.
Lady Thatcher,what a lady,?She used tax payers money to fortify her sons home in Texas ,and ordered the then Home Secretary, to conceal from other Mps and the tax paying public that she authorized 117.000 GBP to pay special branch body guards ,to protect him on his visit to the UK to visit her , yes what a lady she was.
I don't like him, but this is wrong - and well done to David Cameron for supporting his objection.
I am not a Milliband supporter in fact I think he is a privileged t0sser but that is beside the point. The DM are being unnecessarily vindictive and are only doing this to support their real agenda which is to be able to say whatever they like regardless of the consequences (in order to sell newspapers). This time the consequences might be something other than what they expected. I hope Ed scores some good points against the Reactionary Rag and shames them into an apology or makes them admit that His father's support of Marxism is no more relevant than the DM's support for Mosely, Hitler and Mussolini.
If Milliband senior did dislike Britain, it wouls still be a disgraceful way to attack his son Ed.
But all indications are the conclusion the journalist came to from reading one diary entry is completely wrong.
The 17 year old Ralph Milliband may have struggled with how nationalistic the British were, but he had no hestation in joining the British Navy when he was 18 years old.
Contrast that with Paul Dacre's (The Mail's Editor in Chief) whose father turned 18 in 1943 but opted to avoid the bombs and bullets by writing showbiz gossip from Fleet Street.
Pehaps the reason Dacre judges Ed Milliband on his father because he has emulated his dad by publishing celebrity trivia for 25 years.
Ralph Milliband's biographer does a good job of refuting the Daily Mail hatchet job.

Worth a read if you have time.
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Our company, for some reason, takes the Daily Mail.
Tomorrow I will be strongly suggesting we stop doing so.
In fairness, can we actually see the Mail article..........though I suspect that they have gone too far in their inferences.
Whether you like or dislike Ed, in my opinion the DM are totally out of order. Eds father was 17 when he wrote he hated Britain. We all said things when we were young that we came to regret. That aside why blame Ed for what his father said.

Here is the Mail's article. To give them some credit, they haven't (yet) edited it or withdrawn it from the website - which is a cut above their usual cowardice.
ichkeria....I'm not sure who you work for but this happened when I worked at BT. Do what I did...gather all the DMs up and put then in the re-cycling bin ! Its fun and you will have done your bit for the planet !
They're actually standing by it ...
".I'm not sure who you work for but this happened when I worked at BT. Do what I did...gather all the DMs up and put then in the re-cycling bin ! Its fun and you will have done your bit for the planet ! "

Yes, gets round the problem of how do you burn them without having to buy the copies :-)
I dislike Ed Miliband but I back his action against the DM. Anyone would come to the defence of their father. It was a dispicable thing to print those articles, obviously the DM are trying to bring Ed down publicly, maybe a final shot before the press regulation discussion.
...although I hope regulation doesn;t come into this. That would be playing into their hands. Part of their assault on Ralph Miliband involves the accusation that his son, if Prime Minister would try to ban our Great British Institutions, including press freedeom, presumably. Pretty slimy.
Never had any time whatsoever for the Real Malcolm Tucker but his assessment here is pretty much 100% spot on:

don't have time for Campbell, he has spent too long believing the lies he was spinning. I think there is also double standards going on, don't the papers, news and some on AB go on and on about tory posh boys all coming from well to do families, Eton educated and not sons of the soil, so Millibands dad was a Marxist, well known, not sure why this should be such a big deal.

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