Why is David Cameron always seen supporting the England football team? He was at Wembley again on Friday night, the rest of the UK must be feeling left out.
Is England the only team he wants to qualify for Brazil next year, or is it the usual couldn't care less Tory attitude to the rest of the country outside of London.
Its very simple, perhaps he just likes to watch a game of football and out of all the home nation games (the fact the others are all out makes it pretty academic) the one most likely to provide any form of entertainment and half decent football was england...lets be honest the other sides are chumps league at best.
They said of Tony B, brilliant in a crisis but in a normal situation, put him on a football pitch with the ball and he wouldn't know which goal to put it in. So there's no way he would know who to support........
Just-Jude, I struggle to understand why you posted this question, cant he support who he wants and watch what games he wants or is he not permitted a private life?