Quizzes & Puzzles17 mins ago
"free" School...free Of Qualified Teachers It Would Seem
http:// www.the guardia n.com/e ducatio n/2013/ oct/16/ faith-s chool-d ammed-b y-ofste d-dysfu nctiona l
The forthcoming Ofsted report into the Al-Madinah School in Derby has been leaked to the Guardian. The Report makes it quite clear that the school is dysfunctional and in chaos.
But what is more worrying is that the report goes on to say that most of the primary school teachers have not taught before. This seems to be the Achilles heel of these new Tory Free Schools, that they are allowed to employ non-qualified staff. Are people really happy to send their kids to school where there are not enough, or indeed, any qualified teachers ? Extraordinary !
There is more damning evidence in the Report and there is no good news whatsoever. It seems that the segregation of boys and girls, and the insistence on female staff to wear some sort of foreign national dress was only the tip of the iceberg. How many more of these "free" schools are failing ?
The forthcoming Ofsted report into the Al-Madinah School in Derby has been leaked to the Guardian. The Report makes it quite clear that the school is dysfunctional and in chaos.
But what is more worrying is that the report goes on to say that most of the primary school teachers have not taught before. This seems to be the Achilles heel of these new Tory Free Schools, that they are allowed to employ non-qualified staff. Are people really happy to send their kids to school where there are not enough, or indeed, any qualified teachers ? Extraordinary !
There is more damning evidence in the Report and there is no good news whatsoever. It seems that the segregation of boys and girls, and the insistence on female staff to wear some sort of foreign national dress was only the tip of the iceberg. How many more of these "free" schools are failing ?
mikey // What next...Free Hospitals, where Bert the Binman can swop his job with the Council and go and work in the Intensive Care ward ? /// aog //And don't we have Ministers who have never done the job they are minister over? ie Minister of Health who has no medical experience// muddled thinking from aog a Minister's job is to direct and manage a department...
14:14 Thu 17th Oct 2013
I cannot see that this document was leaked to the Guardian, since it seems general knowledge.
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-24 64351/M uslim-f ree-sch ool-for ced-tea chers-w ear-hea dscarve s-slamm ed-chao s-dysfu nctiona l-offic ial-rep ort.htm l
But what it does highlight is the fact that the Guardian isn't in the least bothered about what was going off at this school, it just wanted to use it in there quest to gain political points against the Coalitions 'free schools' venture.
/// Mr Hunt told the Guardian that the school's problems show that the Coalition's education reforms have failed.
'What this report exposes is that David Cameron and Michael Gove's free school programme has become a dangerous free-for-all - an out of control ideological experiment that has closed a school, leaving 400 children losing an entire week of learning,' he said. ///
But what it does highlight is the fact that the Guardian isn't in the least bothered about what was going off at this school, it just wanted to use it in there quest to gain political points against the Coalitions 'free schools' venture.
/// Mr Hunt told the Guardian that the school's problems show that the Coalition's education reforms have failed.
'What this report exposes is that David Cameron and Michael Gove's free school programme has become a dangerous free-for-all - an out of control ideological experiment that has closed a school, leaving 400 children losing an entire week of learning,' he said. ///
As this is a Muslim school, I suppose I can just about understand why parents might sacrifice proper qualified Teachers, for the chance for their kids being given a Muslim grounding. But most Free Schools are not religious based. So I am puzzled by this Teacher issue.
When I was young, we had a Woodwork Teacher, who had spent many years as a Carpenter, and he taught at the local Secondary Modern. Nothing much wrong with that. But our teachers for Maths, Physics, Geography, etc were all properly qualified and trained.
When I was young, we had a Woodwork Teacher, who had spent many years as a Carpenter, and he taught at the local Secondary Modern. Nothing much wrong with that. But our teachers for Maths, Physics, Geography, etc were all properly qualified and trained.
AOG. Why don't you stop trying to shoot the messenger and try listening to the message for once.
Your link from the DM says almost word-for-word what it does in the Guardian, so why have a go at the Guardian ?
Free Schools were invented by the Tories. They have been set with no compunction to use properly qualified Teachers and that is my central point.
Do you think it is a good idea to use non-qualified teachers or not ?
Your link from the DM says almost word-for-word what it does in the Guardian, so why have a go at the Guardian ?
Free Schools were invented by the Tories. They have been set with no compunction to use properly qualified Teachers and that is my central point.
Do you think it is a good idea to use non-qualified teachers or not ?
I wonder if some parents would be happy to send their children to these schools?
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-24 63685/F ive-sch ools-pu pil-Eng lish-la nguage- -240-fa r-behin d.html
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-24 64195/S chool-c riticis ed-allo wing-pu pils-yo ung-11- SMOKE-p laygrou nd.html
/// AOG. Why don't you stop trying to shoot the messenger and try listening to the message for once. ///
That is good coming from a person who constantly tries to shoot the messenger especially when it is me.
/// Your link from the DM says almost word-for-word what it does in the Guardian, so why have a go at the Guardian ? ///
Simply because it makes a change from yourself and others having a go at the Daily Mail.
/// AOG. Why don't you stop trying to shoot the messenger and try listening to the message for once. ///
That is good coming from a person who constantly tries to shoot the messenger especially when it is me.
/// Your link from the DM says almost word-for-word what it does in the Guardian, so why have a go at the Guardian ? ///
Simply because it makes a change from yourself and others having a go at the Daily Mail.
Does anybody know why the imperative of employing properly-qualified Teachers is missing from Free Schools ? I can understand why the Tories wanted to remove schools from under the control of local authorities, as it would keep Labour councils from interfering.
But the issue of using unqualified people as teachers is still unclear. What were the Tories trying to achieve ? Does anyone remember the arguments behind this ?
But the issue of using unqualified people as teachers is still unclear. What were the Tories trying to achieve ? Does anyone remember the arguments behind this ?
/// You still haven't answered my question regarding unqualified teachers ///
All depends on what you class as unqualified, I would much rather a person teach on a subject who had hands on experience of the subject, such as your ex woodwork master, than one that had just come out 'fresh faced' straight from university.
/// You still haven't answered my question regarding unqualified teachers ///
All depends on what you class as unqualified, I would much rather a person teach on a subject who had hands on experience of the subject, such as your ex woodwork master, than one that had just come out 'fresh faced' straight from university.
Not sure if that is a yes or a no aog. In your link, as well as mine, according to the Ofsted report, one of the main problems is that the school employed people of very little ability, resulting in the chaos that was found. If this had been an ordinary school, not a free school, it would at least have had properly qualified Teachers, who had been to Teacher Training College, or whatever its called these days. A very large part of the three years that it takes to train a teacher is spent in schools...on the job training you could call it.
I wouldn't have much of a problem if a scientist came from ICI for instance and started teaching my kids chemistry in the 6th form. But that isn't what happened at this school. The management of the school was also in chaos.
I still don't understand why Free schools don't have to employ properly qualified staff.
What next...Free Hospitals, where Bert the Binman can swop his job with the Council and go and work in the Intensive Care ward ?
I wouldn't have much of a problem if a scientist came from ICI for instance and started teaching my kids chemistry in the 6th form. But that isn't what happened at this school. The management of the school was also in chaos.
I still don't understand why Free schools don't have to employ properly qualified staff.
What next...Free Hospitals, where Bert the Binman can swop his job with the Council and go and work in the Intensive Care ward ?
In the early 2000s, a scheme was introduced by which people could train to be teachers "on the job", ie they were unqualified although had some kind of degree or professional qualification. It was the responsibility of the school, or, in our case, the Department, to train these people as well as undertaking their own full teaching timetable. I was lucky, the two people in my Department were quick learners, they had to be really, and especially in one case, became exceptionally good teachers but it was more good luck than good management by the system.
As far as free schools are concerned, as a parent I would fully investigate the staffing of a school for my children and I would not disregard an unqualified teacher out of hand. There are many cases of teachers who are too qualified and cannot relate to weak children.
As far as free schools are concerned, as a parent I would fully investigate the staffing of a school for my children and I would not disregard an unqualified teacher out of hand. There are many cases of teachers who are too qualified and cannot relate to weak children.
Its a damning report, no question. I have had my doubts about the whole free school programme, particularly since it allows for religious/faith schools to be set up - and some of them seem to be teaching - if that is the right term, given the doubt of the qualifications of some employed there - values antithetical to our cultural values. The school even flags up is its brochure that ideas that question islam - darwinism, as evolution is described - will be handled by an Islamic team.This is an excerpt from the schools own prospectus - shameful that such a prospectus was allowed in this country, unchallenged by the DfE;
"At the heart of Al-Madinah School is the Quranic and Islamic Studies department, supported by a team of experienced and dedicated servants of Islam. This team is not only responsible for teaching Islam, but to ensure the values, morals and philosophy of Islam is reflected in each and every aspect of the school. The following sections aim to indicate in detail how this has been achieved"
In each and every department, all efforts will be geared towards ensuring the books and resources conform to the teachings of Islam.
Sensitive, inaccurate and potentially blasphemous material will be censored or removed completely. If and when teachers are required by the curriculum to convey teachings that are totally against Islam [1], the Director of Islamic Studies will brief the relevant teachers and advise accordingly.
With regards to songs and music, we acknowledge that it can be an aid for learning, in particular in primary school. Under the guidance of the Director, it shall only be used as a learning aid, not for entertainment and amusement purposes.
Muslims are encouraged to reflect on Allah’s beauty in his creations. The art lessons will be used as a platform to fulfill this religious duty. At the same time however, great care will be taken to ensure artwork produced or shown in lessons conform with the specific teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
[1] Darwinism, for example
And you can be very sure that any school that describes the theory of evolution as "Darwinism" is a school run by religious wingnuts.
No dancing or singing for recreational purposes. Whilst this might put a stop to the rather unedifying sight of mass "twerking" - these are kids. I dislike a system that discourages imagination, creativity, joy and expression in music or art.
Then there is the dress code for teachers;
"All staff members will also express decency and modesty in their clothing and appearance. Female members of staff – irrespective of their religious beliefs – will cover their heads and bodies appropriately in light of the teachings of Islam. Provocative and revealing clothing will not be permitted. Male members of staff are expected to dress so they create an example for their pupils. In short, the school will adhere to Qur’anic teachings when it comes to clothing. ‘And clothes of piety, that is better’, Allah Almighty states (7: 26)"
So women, whatever their own faith, have to conform to Islamic stereotype.
"Additionally, the vigorous process will ensure that the Muslim staff that are recruited are suitable to teach the faith elements of the School to the highest standards. The Director of Islamic Studies will be directly involved in the recruitment process to ensure this is the case."
And those teachers who most closely witter on about the importance of faith, and islam will be selected for the position over less fervent or deluded prospects. Note that the Director of Islamic Studies is directly involved. Why?
And AoG has the cheek to criticise those of us who point out Goves insanity with the whole free schools project, especially where faith schools are concerned!
"At the heart of Al-Madinah School is the Quranic and Islamic Studies department, supported by a team of experienced and dedicated servants of Islam. This team is not only responsible for teaching Islam, but to ensure the values, morals and philosophy of Islam is reflected in each and every aspect of the school. The following sections aim to indicate in detail how this has been achieved"
In each and every department, all efforts will be geared towards ensuring the books and resources conform to the teachings of Islam.
Sensitive, inaccurate and potentially blasphemous material will be censored or removed completely. If and when teachers are required by the curriculum to convey teachings that are totally against Islam [1], the Director of Islamic Studies will brief the relevant teachers and advise accordingly.
With regards to songs and music, we acknowledge that it can be an aid for learning, in particular in primary school. Under the guidance of the Director, it shall only be used as a learning aid, not for entertainment and amusement purposes.
Muslims are encouraged to reflect on Allah’s beauty in his creations. The art lessons will be used as a platform to fulfill this religious duty. At the same time however, great care will be taken to ensure artwork produced or shown in lessons conform with the specific teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
[1] Darwinism, for example
And you can be very sure that any school that describes the theory of evolution as "Darwinism" is a school run by religious wingnuts.
No dancing or singing for recreational purposes. Whilst this might put a stop to the rather unedifying sight of mass "twerking" - these are kids. I dislike a system that discourages imagination, creativity, joy and expression in music or art.
Then there is the dress code for teachers;
"All staff members will also express decency and modesty in their clothing and appearance. Female members of staff – irrespective of their religious beliefs – will cover their heads and bodies appropriately in light of the teachings of Islam. Provocative and revealing clothing will not be permitted. Male members of staff are expected to dress so they create an example for their pupils. In short, the school will adhere to Qur’anic teachings when it comes to clothing. ‘And clothes of piety, that is better’, Allah Almighty states (7: 26)"
So women, whatever their own faith, have to conform to Islamic stereotype.
"Additionally, the vigorous process will ensure that the Muslim staff that are recruited are suitable to teach the faith elements of the School to the highest standards. The Director of Islamic Studies will be directly involved in the recruitment process to ensure this is the case."
And those teachers who most closely witter on about the importance of faith, and islam will be selected for the position over less fervent or deluded prospects. Note that the Director of Islamic Studies is directly involved. Why?
And AoG has the cheek to criticise those of us who point out Goves insanity with the whole free schools project, especially where faith schools are concerned!
/// What next...Free Hospitals, where Bert the Binman can swop his job with the Council and go and work in the Intensive Care ward ? ///
And don't we have Ministers who have never done the job they are minister over?
ie Minister of Health who has no medical experience or a Minister of Transport who has never learned to drive a car, a Minister of Defence who has never been in the Armed Services, or even a minister of Education who has never been a teacher.
/// What next...Free Hospitals, where Bert the Binman can swop his job with the Council and go and work in the Intensive Care ward ? ///
And don't we have Ministers who have never done the job they are minister over?
ie Minister of Health who has no medical experience or a Minister of Transport who has never learned to drive a car, a Minister of Defence who has never been in the Armed Services, or even a minister of Education who has never been a teacher.
/// And AoG has the cheek to criticise those of us who point out Goves insanity with the whole free schools project, especially where faith schools are concerned! ///
You are at it again, where have I criticised those who point out Gove's insanity with the whole free school project?
I have criticised the Guardian, I have criticised other school problems, and I have criticised mikey4444, but nothing to do with what you accuse me of.
I do not have enough information on the rights or wrongs of free schools and neither do you I suspect, but I would not call anyone insane, as you have done regarding Mr Goves.
But since you have said that I have had the 'CHEEK' to criticise others, may I inform you that one is not being cheeky just because they happen to hold different opinions to yourself, in fact I would think that they are more balanced than you seem to think Mr Goves is.
/// And AoG has the cheek to criticise those of us who point out Goves insanity with the whole free schools project, especially where faith schools are concerned! ///
You are at it again, where have I criticised those who point out Gove's insanity with the whole free school project?
I have criticised the Guardian, I have criticised other school problems, and I have criticised mikey4444, but nothing to do with what you accuse me of.
I do not have enough information on the rights or wrongs of free schools and neither do you I suspect, but I would not call anyone insane, as you have done regarding Mr Goves.
But since you have said that I have had the 'CHEEK' to criticise others, may I inform you that one is not being cheeky just because they happen to hold different opinions to yourself, in fact I would think that they are more balanced than you seem to think Mr Goves is.
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