sir raven, simplistic but we didn't get rid of the Romans, they were not always a good thing for Britain, sure Boudicca might agree if she were to come back from the dead, they reneged on their promises not to mention flogged her and raped her daughters, they came saw and indeed conquered, as to the other invaders, much bloodshed whilst rampaging and pillaging, the Normans were no better, nor were most of the invaders, pretty much like any country that is conquered by foreign invaders. as to immigration now, well sorry that has changed the face of Britain for good, mobility of peoples from around the globe coming to live, work perhaps or just dossing here has not necessarily been a good thing, not to mention changed the British culture out of all recognition, still you go on living your dream all the while the fallout is there to see, mass immigration in 50 years has had a profound affect on UK, and will continue to do so.