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Oh Dear How It Must Hurt.

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anotheoldgit | 11:17 Sat 23rd Nov 2013 | News
3 Answers

/// Labour has written to Sir Jeremy Heywood, the Cabinet Secretary, demanding that the inquiry is not subject to “party political
point-scoring”. ///

Wouldn't Labour be clamouring to gain political points, had it been the Tories that were involved?


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I don't believe Labour demanded or got a public inquiry into the criminal activities of Lord Archer or Jonathan Aitkin. Mr Flowers was running a major bank when his criminality is alledged to have taken place. And the bank performed very badly during his period of tenure. It is only proper that that is investigated. The fact that he was a member of the Labour Party, which is not yet illegal, is totally irrelevent to the investigation. The rightwing press are desperately trying to link him to Miliband, because the two men met, but is prepostrous.

Miliband went to talk about a loan, not buy crack cocaine.

The fact that Labour have to remind the opposition that the investigation should be about his banking competency and not his activities as a local councillor, shows that they suspect the investigation promised by Osborne is politically motivated and not merited. There is already a police inquiry, and the Co-op are conducting their own.
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/// the investigation promised by Osborne is politically motivated and not merited. There is already a police inquiry, and the Co-op are conducting their own. ///

Support for police inquiries, that's a new one from you, as is agreeing to the Bank involved conducting one their own.

Surely a full independent inquiry, taken after potential enforcement investigations conducted by the financial regulators are completed, can only be a good thing?
// Surely a full independent inquiry, taken after potential enforcement investigations conducted by the financial regulators are completed, can only be a good thing? //

Yes it is, which is why I said an investigation into that is only proper.

I have full confidence in the investigative powers of the police and always have had. I do not want the police to investigate themselves because they have a conflict of interest and have a habit of closing ranks and not doing what is in the public interest.

The Co-op investigating themselves might not reveal the full facts, though they do seem keen to blame this one man for all their financial troubles. The Co-op Bank is in deep sh*t mainly because they bought the Brittannia Biulding Society which was a very poor deal.

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