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Beer £8 A Pint...

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sandyRoe | 16:33 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Watching a TV item about the Barmy Army it mentioned that beer in Australia is £8 a pint. Would you pay that for a Fosters?


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Be reluctant to pay 8p for one.
I wouldn't drink it for £8 a pint never mind pay for it
OH says coffee's £4 a cup in Germany....
£12 for a packet of fags.
That's what most people on the Buying in Australia programme find out - they like the idea, until they find out how much their groceries etc will cost!
Take away beers are also far more expensive than here (UK).
But they get paid more.
They rarely buy beer by the pints, though. They have a midi or a schooner and if you buy a jug and share it out, it`s a lot cheaper. Their Aussie wine is more expensive over there - more tax.
Generally Aussies are well paid.
Interesting and recent documentary about poverty in Australia
Begs the question why, at these prices, the Aussies are so pissed all the time ?
Your question, Sandy, fails to take into account that the Aussie beer we get over here bears very little resemblance to what the Aussies drink back home; it's brewed differently and with a different ABV.

For example, Castlemaine XXXX is a rather indifferent pint when served in British pubs but in Australia the flavour is akin to what we'd expect from a really good-quality Czech or Polish lager (and it's also more potent!).
Is it £8 or 8 Australian dollars? I nearly fainted when I paid £3.90 in a pub recently.
Glad you brought that up, hc ....I didn't think it could possibly be $16.00 for a pint ! Not that I drink pints, don't drink beer, but that seemed outrageous
They'd have to be barmy to drink that stuff,not to mention paying for it.

Even in Australia there has to be something better than Fosters
There is, Fowtlad, many of them in fact. No-one I know drinks that cat's p*ss !!
Why do you think AB has filtered the word p i s s to change to fosters?
Pint of piss please barman
I found this, which suggests really expensive stuff might be £4 a pint, which would be A$8. The latest date at the bottom is 2010, so maybe there are more £4 beers now, but I suspect no £8 ones
:-( have they changed it now. Can we say piss?

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