Crosswords34 mins ago
Russian Suicide Bombing
i wonder how the Russians will deal with this, apart from picking up the bodies.
http:// edition m/2013/ 12/29/w orld/eu rope/ru ssia-tr ain-sta tion-ex plosion /
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I was in the army in the 70's and did 3 tours of N Ireland, patrolling Belfast City Centre on each occasion. The City Centre, itself, had a steel fence around it and it was our job to search everyone passing through the handful of 'gates'. No matter how diligent we were, incendiary devices still got through and did their damage. I hasten to add that these were smuggled through in component parts and assembled within the 'ring of steel'. But just how do you stop a suicide bomber? How do you deter someone who is so fanatical that they are willing to blow themselves up for a cause they will never know the outcome of?
I think it is most likely Chechnyan separatists. Putin has been doing quite active in pre-empting possible areas of criticism during the upcoming winter olympics - freeing the Greenpeace protestors, freeing the remaining pussy riot girls, freeing the russian oligarch etc - all of which could have become a focal point for criticism of his regime during the Olympics - but 2 very high profile areas remain - The ongoing political instability in Chechyna, murderous in its intensity, and the recent legislative changes within russia concerning homosexuality.
I would not want to be a visitor to the Olympics myself, given how determined some of the Chechynans are, and the Olympics is a natural target for them, it seems to me.
I would not want to be a visitor to the Olympics myself, given how determined some of the Chechynans are, and the Olympics is a natural target for them, it seems to me.
Chechynan separatists are muslims. The population is largely Sunni I think. The Chechens have fought 2 wars of independence from Russia and lost both.
http:// pedia.o rg/wiki /Chechn ya#Orig in_of_C hechnya .27s_po pulatio n
So guerilla tactics, suicide bombers, terrorist outrages have now become part of that process.
So guerilla tactics, suicide bombers, terrorist outrages have now become part of that process.
It looks as though there's now much more the Russians could do to Chetchen cities in revenge for this attack.
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=c hechen+ war+pho tos& ;sa=X&a mp;tbm= isch&am p;sourc e=iu&am p;imgil =6srmWz kRnQ2pj M%253A% 253Bhtt ps%253A %252F%2 52Fencr ypted-t bn2.gst m%252Fi mages%2 53Fq%25 3Dtbn%2 53AANd9 GcRMdbS vAn1uwy wS2XXNe ZA6BI5n YkHXYWt RZbVpqk l_65cJ6 e9K%253 B400%25 3B267%2 53BGkpV m5KVanS 2MM%253 Bhttp%2 5253A%2 5252F%2 5252Fad amite.w ordpres 5252F20 07%2525 2F07%25 252F28% 25252Fc hechen- war-pho tos%252 52F& ;ei=dz_ AUq3BN8 iShgftt ID4CA&a mp;ved= 0CEEQ9Q EwCA&am p;biw=1 024& ;bih=65 5#facrc =_& imgdii= _&i mgrc=6s rmWzkRn Q2pjM%3 A%3BGkp Vm5KVan S2MM%3B http%25 3A%252F %252Fad amite.f iles.wo rdpress .com%25 2F2007% 252F07% 252Fgro zny281. jpg%3Bh ttp%253 A%252F% 252Fada mite.wo rdpress .com%25 2F2007% 252F07% 252F28% 252Fche chen-wa r-photo s%252F% 3B400%3 B267
Probably not a lot to do with Chechnya specifically, or the wars of independence there, but more likely the general Islamist insurgency in the Caucasus. Although those fighting for the Emirate of the Caucasus declared a moratorium on suicide bombs ages ago. Poltical issues to do with the Olympics are many and complicated, and are exacerbated by a hopelessly incompetent and corrupt security force
They haven't let Uzbekistan etc go, Sandy. (Those countries gained independence originally as they had Soviet Republic status, unlike the Caucasus states - but it's debatable how independent they really are) But in any case the Caucasus is strategically much more important. Otherwise they would never bother
The Russians do not have their hands tied by right-on foreign courts in the form of the ECHR. They will be able to go further, much further.
Putin has already muted going after families of the suicide bombers.
Someone has to take a stance against these people, Europe is too soft so it wont come from here.
Putin has already muted going after families of the suicide bombers.
Someone has to take a stance against these people, Europe is too soft so it wont come from here.
Putin is an egomaniac, short on temper and long on memory,
if Chechnya has grievances why don't they put them, or is it simply that
Putin won't listen. They have said suicide bomber, pointing to the Islamic fundamentalists, how do you fight against a lone person, they may be more, and that will go on until someone says enough, what is it you want...
if Chechnya has grievances why don't they put them, or is it simply that
Putin won't listen. They have said suicide bomber, pointing to the Islamic fundamentalists, how do you fight against a lone person, they may be more, and that will go on until someone says enough, what is it you want...
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