"Why don't these proper 'Self Righteous' persons who feel they are too superior to read the Daily Mail, just give it a wide berth instead of being so self righteous and hypocritical?"
I can't speak for them - you'd need to address that to any you may encounter.
"/// Taking the law into your own hands is never an option - because this can be the outcome. ///
What would you have done Andy, just looked the other way, only to read later that a woman had been brutally attacked and later died?"
I don't recall saying that - because that is not what I would have done either. So, included in my 'not punching someone into permanent brain damage' reaction is the 'just look the other way' reaction - because neither is appropriate.
"/// If Neale had walked the woman away from the situation taking her out of harm's way, that would be an appropriate response. ///
Yes that would have been easy wouldn't it, (i don't think) do you really think that her attacker would have just let him walk away with her?"
Actually, I do. Bullies hitting a woman will often think twice about attacking a man - I'd certainly take the risk.
"/// It is not the role of citizens to mete out their own perceived level of justice - that way lies a vigilante society where only the most brutal and violent get to have their way about how society operates. ///
It's a good job that 70 year old woman who attacked robbers armed with sledgehammers as they tried to raid a Northampton jeweller's store didn't think like you, what if the one that fell off the scooter had damaged his head, would you had been quite content for her to go to jail too?"
You're clutching at straws here AOG, and trying to make an entirely different scenarion fit your argument - it doesn't. If one robber had fallen off his scooter, that would be an accident, not comparable with a physical assault of such brutality that a man is maimed for life.
"/// So The Mail pushes the usual buttons, the usual suspects will be offering Neale a medal and a shot at the Mayor Of London role, ///
Oh grow up Andy, you are better than this."
A little light humour AOG - calm down!
"No matter what this guy has done in the past it shouldn't be held against him for this heroic deed."
His past has not been held against him - he has been sentenced for this crime, which heaven knows, far from being a 'heroic deed' is lucky not to have seen him serving life for murder.
Let's make sure we understand the circumstances here - saving a woman from attack is a brave and public spirited act, to be applauded. Carrying on to almost kill someone and leave them brain damaged for life rather takes the shine off it - wouldn't you agree?
You can expect to seriously hurt someone who is hurting someone else, and then expect to be hailed as a hero for it - soceity's values don't work like that - and neither does its legal system.