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The Good Morning Threads

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B00 | 09:23 Tue 25th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
102 Answers
G'mornin' :-)

I don't often participate in 'em, in fact I don't think I ever have, nor do I read them, so apologies if these have been answered often. However I have noticed the time they start appearing, whilst i'm still bleary eyed from sleep drinking my 3rd coffee that's necessary in order to function.

1- Usually posted about 4ish in the morning...In God's name how and why? Why are you all up at that time? It's inhuman!

2- what time do you all need to go to bed in order to be able to get up and that time?

3- Noticed you're all usual quite chipper, that's not normal at that time, how are you doing it?

4- Do you need a nap during the day due to getting up at that unGodly hour?


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it's a pretence. no on has been to bed yet. we're just on our way to get a good day's sleep.
09:28 Tue 25th Mar 2014
drugs, boo.
Coffee, lots of Coffee :-)
Some have to be up really early for work. Some have sleep issues.
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Never thought of those 2, lol.
it's a pretence. no on has been to bed yet. we're just on our way to get a good day's sleep.
a few own dogs, so are up early anyway, pop in for a quick chat then leg it into the rain with the pooch
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To be honest ummmm, I already knew that- post is mostly tongue in cheek :-)

Now THAT makes sense Lady J!
Hi boo x
When I see the good morning threads I know it is time for bed
I sometimes pop in to say hello at about 7. Before that .... zzzzzzzz
Hi, Boo. On hols for a few days so haven't been on for the past few days but to answer your questions in order as far as I'm concerned:

1. Early start at work
2. 11
3. Very strong coffee
4. Nope

lovely people on the thread too
What time I get up depends on how many times the people in this house snooze their alarms.

My sons alarm starts going off at 5am. My OHs at 5.30 and my other sons at 6am.....rather annoying :-)
If, as you say, you never read them, how do you know they are "quite chipper"? ;-)
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Think im mostly agog- I get up early on Sundays for work (5.30) and I feel like i've died.

I just thank God I don't have to be up that early the rest of the week as I don't think i'd cope, lol. I'm honestly amazed that most of you get up at silly o'clock and manage to get through the day without killing someone through sleep deprivation.
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Well, i look at the first few posts Sips :-)
Lol :))
are you a detective, sip? come to think of it, you were on hill st. blues, werent you? ;)
I say hi sometimes when I've been particularly organised of a morning (rare, very, very rare) - At 7am I am one of the late starters! My dad used to be up at 5am loads, a lie in for him was 7am; he's better now he's retire but his body clock was up the creek for years because he worked funny hours and night shifts as a carer.
I am always up before 6.30am and read the Good Morning threads because I am nosy. I rarely join in though. I'm a bit grumpy and groggy first thing.
I find, as I get older, I don't need as much sleep. Sometimes I go to bed in the early hours, 2-3am, sometimes later. Other times I'm in bed before midnight, sleep for a couple of hours, wake up, then can't fall back asleep, so I get up have a cup of tea, have a look on here for a while then back to bed.
I don't need more than 4-5 hours sleep, I've only been this way since I retired ,my father was the same.
i cant believe that, cariad. ;-)

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