Apropo of nothing in particular - I know three interesting facts about babies.
Here goes...
1. We've all seen babies grab their feet and play with their toes...the reason why is that they don't have the developed synaptic links to understand that their feet and legs are connected to their bodies. To babies, feet are something to play with...they think that they are toys!
2. All babies are born with just one fear - the fear of heights. A BBC documentary proved this a few years ago with an experiment where a number of babies were placed on a platform with another platform five feet away. Across the platform was a glass sheet. All the babies would crawl to the platform and stop because they could sense the drop between the two platforms. Babies have no other fear.
3. All babies, whatever their race, have that awesome 'baby smell'. It's difficult to define what it is, but with my brother, it was a mixture of talcum powder and Farley's Rusks.
Oh...just remembered a fourth one...the reason why babies always put things in their mouths is because between and the age of about 18 months, babies can only make sense of the world by their mouths! You give them a toy or whatever, and to understand it's shape, they have to use their mouths, because it's the first sense that develops properly (touch).
This is all I know about babies.
Apart from one other...
Their poo is...astonishing...