Society & Culture2 mins ago
Ticket Touts Are ‘Classic Entrepreneurs’
Ticket touts are ‘classic entrepreneurs’ who should be allowed to operate without interference, says new Culture Secretary Sajid Javid http:// www.ind ependen /news/u k/polit ics/tic ket-tou ts-are- classic -entrep reneurs -who-sh ould-be -allowe d-to-op erate-w ithout- interfe rence-s ays-new -cultur e-secre tary-sa jid-jav id-9252 429.htm l should be allowed to operate without interference, says new Culture Secretary Sajid Javid
Obviously Mr Javid has no direct experience of touts, or he would not be making such outlandish statements. Touting exists at industrial levels, and the notion that touts are simply 'providing a service' is as facile and misleading as suggesting that heroin dealers 'provide a service'. In the strict meaning of the phrase, it is true, but that does not mean...
11:41 Fri 11th Apr 2014
I've bought tickets via ebay off 'touts' for substantially more than the original face value... tickets that I wouldn't have been able to get from 'official' sellers as I didn't realise the gigs were happening until it was very near the gig date. Call it poor forward planning on my part but I was happy to pay more to get to the event and I'd happily do it again.
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