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Should Britain Be The World's Protector For All Victims Of Their Own Country's Evil Cultural Practices? ?

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anotheoldgit | 14:51 Fri 25th Apr 2014 | News
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since the government is currently making a fuss about the evils of FGM, it seems rather silly to send little girls off to somewhere they're likely to encounter it.
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Would you then care for all those in danger of this disgusting practice to leave such places as Nigeria and settle in the UK?
No we shouldn't and we aren't.

We tend to still feel responsible for cpuntries that we used to rule and are still represented by the Queen as members of the British Commonwealth.

We tend to still interfere in our ex-colonies, in both a good way and a bad way.
With many things in life one must try to strike a balance and do what one can without getting so overwhelmed one achieves more ill than good.

No, certainly not!
Doesn't FGM require the parent to be complicit though ?
up to the government whether this is considered reason for asylum, but if it isn't their criticisms of the practice will ring rather hollow. "It's a disgusting practice but we don't mind deporting little girls to have it done."

They should of course be trying to stop it here as a priority.
I fail to see how the government can rconcile its trupted stance on the evils of DGM, and then alow a deportation that is going to facilitiate its operation.

It is insufficient for the govenrment to simply make a noise about this vile practice in this country - the mutilation of children should not be a matter of geographical location.
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/// I fail to see how the government can rconcile its trupted stance on the evils of DGM, and then alow a deportation that is going to facilitiate its operation. ///

"That might" facilitate it's operation, how do we know she is speaking the truth, or is yet another excuse concocted to enable her and her family to remain in the UK?

Call me an old cynic, but it won't be the first time various similar excuses have been used by asylum seekers, wishing to come to the UK.

"Should Britain Be The World's Protector For All Victims Of Their Own Country's Evil Cultural Practices?"

Is this what is being proposed?
Well there is certainly an element of it SP.

And no we shouldn't.

We are no longer a world power or world economy. time to bow out and let those that are take the helm.

Charity begins at home. Cameron just does not seem to get that though.
One of the children was born in the UK. It doesn't seem right that her mother is being forced to take her to a country where she might be subjected to FGM. Having said that, it's no less wrong that the other daughter should be exposed to the risk of the same procedure.
Difficult. To allow her to stay on those grounds would set a precedent, in effect allowing any woman from Nigeria or any other country where fgm is commonplace to claim asylum for the same reason. I wonder what her original grounds were for claiming asylum?

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