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This Story Made Me Feel Sick To My Stomach.

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Jeza | 10:55 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | News
118 Answers
I know there are people who will say 'serves him right' but ino this is so wrong.


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Grief is something we can learn to assimilate because we cannot avoid it, so we have to deal with it.

I cannot agree with you.
Grief is something some people can learn to live with, not all. It can drive them insane. I also don't think you can say wanting revenge is a choice, who knows what feelings will engulf even the most mild mannered person when they have been through so much trauma.
Perhaps when a killer has been found guilty of such a heinous crime as this one, the parents can have the choice?

I know what option this barbaric neanderthal knuckle dragger would choose.
I think giving the parents a choice in punishment could cause them more angst and distress than they are already suffering. What happens if they can't agree between themselves? What if they regret their decision at a later date?
maybe his suffering is not in vain & deters other murderers....just maybe
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I don't think the victims family should be given a choice. That should be down to the law. I do think that the USA are barbaric in imposing the death penalty. Are not the educated supposed to teach a better standard. Having said that they all have a right to bare arms, what sort of law is that. We no longer live in the wild west and have shoot outs at the OK Corall.
whilst i feel no sympathy for him, i agree it is totally wrong - it is a mistake that needs to be rectified next time.

makes me think of the scene in the green mile ...
jeza ever been in Paisley on a Saturday night ? still wild
He was on death row already, 2sp What I meant was, if the parents want to forgive, let them do that. If they don't take any step to halt the death, carry on regardless.
The anti Capital Punishment brigade should not decide for them.
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Ashamed to say I have never even been to Scotland minty. Mic has though but before we met.
Some might say he got what he deserved and I daresay his victim's parents/relatives didn't lose too much sleep.
No, it isn't right but there will inevitably be the odd occasion where matters go awry.
That said, I can't help feeling that the story has been over-dramatised a little.
From the cocktail of drugs he was given there is a slim chance that he was actually 'aware' as such, just that his body reacted in a slightly unusual manner.
I don't even want to consider how the burning whilst still alive victim(s) bodies reacted to their treatment.
She was buried alive, Stewey.
Ouch; that'll teach me to read more carefully; however, still a horrendous way to die, and still no sympathy from me regarding the manner in which he died.
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What really makes me 'feel sick to my stomach' are the do-gooders on here defending this monster. He buried a teenage girl ALIVE!!! I do not give a stuff about him or his ilk and I don't care if I get castigated for that by said do-gooders !!!
His suffering was not deliberate but his act of murder by burying a teenage girl alive was deliberate.

Wish we had cowboys here to mete out just desserts!
Viv, I haven't seen anyone defend this monster!
Clayton Lockett's mother says he deserves it, that's good enough for me!
It's not about feeling sorry for this monster, it's about your beliefs regarding the death penalty and your personal idea of punishment.
And the parents of Stephanie Neiman asked for the death penalty.

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