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Pacts And Deals

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Quizmonster | 07:03 Sat 24th May 2014 | News
48 Answers
“The prime minister rejected calls from Eurosceptic Tories to form a pact with Ukip before next year's general election. He told Sky News: "We are the Conservative party. We don't do pacts and deals.”
How did he manage to get into No 10 other than by doing just that?


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I'm nice :o) you're nasty ;-(
As you have now descended into childishness Svejk, I can see no point in continuing to debate this subject with you.
Mikey, Personal abuse? Is that yet another handy catchphrase you've latched on to? Said twice to my knowledge this morning to people who disagree with you.
However many insults are thrown about this morning, it won't alter the facts...Labour won and the Tories lost !
Yeahhhhh! ;o)
Got to agree with you Mikey.
Farriercm...facts, facts, just can't beat them !
and if you cant, make them up.
ITs the losers who make things up and try to bend the truth,they even believe they are right when they are wrong.Like football Mikey its goals that count.
"i agree with Nick..."
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Mikey, the relevance of the link was simply the fact that that was precisely where I got the Cameron quote from. I daresay I could have found it elsewhere, but I thought it best to avoid anyone saying "Link please" in the belief that I might have just made it up!
All clear now QM...thanks !
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Naomi and Gromit, a deal is a deal is a deal, regardless of when it's made, along the same lines as Gertrude Stein's most famous quotation, "a rose is a rose is a rose." This is generally interpreted as meaning "things are what they are."
One of the things that is what it is is the plain fact that Conservatives DO "do deals".
As pointed out elsewhere an electoral pact between UKIP and the Tories would be disastrous for the Tories. You don't do pacts with parties who have no MPs, apart from anything else. It looks as though UKIP's modest electoral success has gone to Farage's head because he now admits that UKIP has been a one-issue party and vows to dream up an entire set of policies on everything by the next election. So a sizeable portion of the electorate has just voted for a party which basically hadn't a clue, or at least a policy on anything much. Cameron might have put it better but he'd be potty to touch a party like that with a barge pole
//a deal is a deal is a deal, regardless of when it's made,//

True, but in this instance the nature of the deal depends upon when it is made. That has been explained.
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The phrase, "before next year's general election", was used by Tory backbenchers, NOT by Cameron himself. HE said, quite baldly, "We don't do pacts and deals." There is not even a hint of a time-scale in his words.
Silly argument. It's already been established that there is an enormous difference between making a contingency plan for an unknown future and reaching a compromise once that future is determined.
It seems to me that early, tentative moves are already afoot :::

Osbourne has "respect" for Farage apparently. Who else is UKIP going to make a deal with ?

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