We should use him and his family as poster boys of how his life went thoroughly down the drain. Propaganda is a wonderful thing. Most people (not all, but most) want a good life, they want a good career, the respect of their community and the love of their family. He will have none of these things by his own hand. His father has been good and courageous enough to really stand up and be counted on this ( an accusation is often levelled at normal peace loving Muslims that they don't do enough in denouncing radicals and are therefore complicit). This cannot be said for this gentleman. I am sure he would want to spare as many other families the heartbreak he has been a victim of. Lots of other Muslims are demonstrating today against radical violence. They have had enough of being tarred with the jihadist brush.We need to harness this and make it spread like wildfire- fight them with their own weapons of propaganda and come down like a ton of bricks on those that choose to work against the common good of a peaceful world.