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Scottish Independence

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bob561941 | 05:39 Sun 22nd Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
If the scots vote for independence what happens to the scottish members in Westminster, do they give up their seats in London and take up seats in Endiburgh ? hat will be the make up of the seats at Westminster how many conservative mps how many labour and how many liberals will there be ?



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16:07 Sun 22nd Jun 2014
Won't happen ...
Scotland sent 59 MPs to Westminster in May 2010, 58 of which were NOT Tory.
I suspect that if Scotland breaks away from the UK, parliamentary boundaries will be redrawn within England and Wales. If not we could be looking at an default win for the Tories at Westminster, at every future Election, except perhaps in situations of a Labour landslide such as happened in 1945 and 1997.

I can't see any reason why a Scottish-born MP in an English or Welsh Westminster constituency would have to give up his or her seat.

But, like Murraymints, I don't think there will be a victory for the Yes campaign, although it is so close that I won't be making any trips down to the Bookies !
Ah, the midlothian question....

( Midlothina is chosen as 'scottish' because of the midlothian campaign that Gladstone ( MP for Hawarden ) carried out in 1886 )

That is - what will happen to the Scottish MPS when they arent voting on a federal UK issue ?

As Mr Salmond might say - Game on !
= we have no damned idea at all

or as Mr Salmond might say - who cares a damn so long as I get to be a Prime Minister ?

and since 58 MPs from bonnie Scotland are Labout is it possible that a parliament post independence will have an overal Labour majoirty for Feederal UK issue and a Tory majority for England only issues ?


see above for what would happen.
Question Author
Peter pedant
Two spelling mistakes one hundred lines
I must learn correct spelling as my pedantic name implies
bob561941 - I don't think that English is Peter Pedant's first language, so don't be so harsh.
In the unlikely event of a Yes vote, should the people in Scotland still have a full vote next year in the Genral Election, as after 2016. their MPs will no longer sit at Westminster? It will leave them in a no-man's land for a year, but what's the alternative?
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Hi,Wharton,Ah'm fair scunnered wi' a' the referendum debates-wish it was all past preferably with the "noes" winning!
Nae lang tae go noo quinie :-)
Are they having a referendum then?
What about?
Getting shot of some folk.
I think it's about haggis's, shoota.
its a vote on wether minty strips off or not!!
Do you think the noes will win by a nose?
i can hear the cries now " keep em on" i'm off.!!
There's certainly no doubt that dumplings are involved in the debate.
I thought the Midlothian question was about devolution and whether or not Scottish M.P.s should vote on matters which only affect England (they shouldn't in my opinion) This was question was posed by Tam Dalyell when he was an M.P.
Wharton.I used to have a kitchen towel with a poem written by Tom Anderson Cairns on it called Wha's like us- damn few and they're a' deid.
It lists all the inventions etc attributed to famous Scots in an amusing way.Can't do links but perhaps some kind ABer will oblige! Have you read it?
as I did nungate, but maybe PP. knows more than the scots on that topic !!!!!!!!!

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