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New Judge To Lead The Enquiry Into Child Abuse ?

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mikey4444 | 17:54 Tue 29th Jul 2014 | News
14 Answers
Its been two weeks now since Butler-Sloss was forced to stand down...I would have thought that its enough time to appoint a replacement ? Whats happening....does anybody know ?


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Do you want the judge NOW or do you want the best judge for the task?

Were you this impatient when you were young(er).

could they be finding it difficult to appoint anyone without '' skeletons'' in their cupboards ?
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Well, they could err on the side of caution anneasquith, and appoint another woman, as a woman would be far less likely to abuse young boys !
aww, I'm going to miss him on here.
^^ I agree with sweaty ^^

[ well there has to be a first time for everything :) ]
Maybe no one wants the job.
New Jusge is an excellent ABer, but I would want to see his qualifications before he was handed such an important inquiry :-)
They're having a think

Perhaps " O God, not her " really did take them by surprise.

The fambly division seems to be a bit of a graveyard
see wiki on the current one - SIr James Munby is here
Whatever next? - ToraToraTora for EU president?
AOG to chair the ECHR. ;-)
It's a poison chalice. I suspect there are very few who would want this one, certainly amongst those with excellent credentials.
The scope of the inquiry has been enlarged to widely - probably on purpose so that it will take several years to complete. Cameron has tried to kill the story. It will be deep into the next Government before the Inquiry submits it report, Dave will probably be long gone by then.

The calls for an Inquiry came over fears of a cover up of a Paedophile ring in Westminster. When the Inquiry was announced its remit was to look at child abuse in the Clergy, teaching profession, care homes and more. It is an enormous job, when really we just want to know if there was any truth or not to the Elm Guest House claims.
Might have guessed you would manage to get some Tory bashing in Gromit.

Do you really think the liberals or labour are going to be too keen on it (certainly privately)
"New Judge To Lead The Enquiry Into Child Abuse ?"

Nobody has told me about this! Mind you, I was out most of yesterday. I'd better make a few calls :-)

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