As someone who is slightly right of Ghengis Khan I have stated in some of my previous posts that ISIS, or whatever name is being used in whatever country Islamic fundamentalists operate, have taken great joy in decapitating and torturing people/hostages for many years.What ISIS are doing now is no surprise to me.Islam is the most pernicious ,evil, religion imho known to man when it is interpreted and corrupted by a perverted fundamentalist regime.That is not to say that some religion did not,in the past, have evil perverts and bigots corrupting a religion with barbaric purges.The Inquisition springs to mind.Any fundamentalist Islamic group must be vapourised,turned to glass and wiped off the face of the Earth by any country who are tolerant of any ones individual beliefs.I'm afraid I believe that the UK should put boots on the ground and wipe out this evil scourge.Yes.I would,as an old man,gladly volunteer to eradicate this bloody carbuncle of so called humanity.If not killed off now it is definitely going to spread world wide.Remember.It could happen on a street round the corner from you in the UK. I remind you of Lee Rigby. RIP. Woolwich, UK. I hope I am not accused as being disrespectful to his memory and his family by quoting this incident on our door step.Near decapitation by Islamic fundamentalists??? Bomb them to Hell and s.o.d the bloody lefties.