Well Neill, without the European laws we would never have got a minimum wage law through, the european court has helped countless legal appeals, through trade we have helped numerous small and large businesses to succeed, and until very recently invited immigrants to come here to work , in our hospitals, for example. I personally believe England is now getting overcrowded, partly because our birth rate is going up and partly immigration. It has been proved though, and all parties even UKIP have to admit it, that economically immigrants have put more into the economy of this country than taken out! I wish we could just discuss these problems sensibly without the usual xenophobic rants about foreigners. It's true the world over, everyone loves to blame a certain group of people whether it's colour, religion, or politics, for all the problems in their countries. We are part of Europe and if there are problems then we try and sort them out rather than throw our toys out of the pram. It's time we grew up!