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Only In Northern Ireland

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sandyRoe | 15:36 Fri 05th Sep 2014 | News
4 Answers
Where else could you find a government minister accusing the highest figures on The Bench of being biased or unfair?


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>>>Where else could you find a government minister accusing the highest figures on The Bench of being biased or unfair?

Well, I seem to remember quite a few senior English politicians suggesting that Baroness Butler-Sloss might not be wholly fair if she led the enquiry into historical sex abuse. Does that count? (There have also been plenty of completed reports, from committees chaired by senior members of the judiciary, where Governments have basically dismissed the findings by questioning the integrity of the chairperson).

NB: I'm not defending Edwin Poots. He's a total pr@t who can't accept either scientific evidence or valid criticism from someone who is entitled to put it forward.
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You're right of course, Buenchico. There's too much introspection here. We think the entire world revolves around Stormont
would he be a member of the caleb foundation?
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If he's not a member he's a least a fellow traveller.

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