So nice to know that nobody here has ever managed to get involved in something they later regretted, has never screwed up, never put a foot wrong, never been taken in by a con man or a salesman who talked fast and skated over the small print, never needed a second chance.
Jihad has always had two meanings - the internal struggle against worldly temptations to stray from the true path as laid down in scripture (the "greater jihad") and the armed struggle against those who would seek to do harm to Muslims and overthrow Isalm (the "lesser jihad"), and is a religious duty.
With the rise of fundamentalism, the latter has been emphasised as the most important aspect of jihad. Combine that with social media glorifying the struggle, the attitude of the young (after all parents, priests, vicars, imams are old, and the world has changed since they were young, and they know nothing about what it is really like now) and you have fertile ground for recruitment.
Now, if some have gone out there, seen the reality of what they have become involved with and are disgusted by it to want out, why not let them come home ? Sure, keep tabs on them, and encourage them to tell others in person and via social media what that reality is. It is being done in Germany with some apparent success, so why not here as well ?