The ECHR has never been about human rights, it's been about human rights lawyers getting things over turned for their criminal scum clients.
Yes sounds very nice, but one has to ask why didn't Cameron grasp the horns when they got in power nearly five years ago, or was it the fact that he was prevented from doing so due to the coalition, that the people wasn't given an option over?
For the first time, the Tories have simultaniously grasped a concept that the eledctorate have been banging on about for years - and set in motion an action that might actually win them some votes!
Svejk - "The whole conference seemed to be a 'wish list' dreamt up by a 'focus group'."
Twas ever thus, for all parties.
The trick at Conference, is to get enough 'if we are elected ...' ideas out there to bouy up the faithful, and hopefully catch some voters, while not making too many promises that may actually have to be kept if power is won.
It's a fine line - but who said politics has to be easy?
They fear the rise and rise and rise of UKIP and this is just Cammy in panic mode trying to get back some voters. The HR act WAS a good idea but like, sooooo many things, it's been greatly abused by scum.
This was one of the many thing on the Tory Manifesto last time but prevented by the Libdums. I'll never forgive them for renading on their promise to redraw the boundaries. 650 MPs which Biased Labour. Scandalous! We've had the tail wagging the dog for too long now. Give the Tories a proper chance. I see they're ahead in the polls!
It's not just the HR lawyers (who I consider lower down the scale than WSS) it's about foreigners ruling over the UK which they have been trying to do for many centuries.
And Blair/Brown gave it to them with the stroke of a pen both the EU and the ECHR. Treachery if you ask me and they should be in the Tower.
The ECHR came into force in 1953 and was eventually incorporated into British domestic law as the Human Rights Act in 1998.
This is when unelected foreign judges gained the power over us.
Labour like to spin it by claiming it was Churchill, and indeed he did ratify the ECHR. But he never intended it to be used like it was, nor, I am sure, he did not intend it to be used to line the pockets of a signing PM's wife.
//Has anything actually been achieved during this last 4/5 years
Good or Bad?//
I would say turning around the economy, reducing massive waste created under Labour, creating more jobs in the private sector. Reducing Youth unemployment, making us the fastest growing economy in the Western World etc etc is not bad to be going on with. Please don't let tHe wrecking Balls in by default!!
What's the source? Mikey? Think I'd rather the one from Parliament. "fullfactorg" ??! Who are they when they're at home?? Anyway, looks like that's going down as well!