// The only whole trees that Enviva uses are either young commercial softwood thinnings, which are cut to ensure healthy growth of high-value timber, or in some cases small, diseased or deformed trees that do not meet specifications for sawlogs. In many places, there is no other market for this wood. Often, what may appear to be a whole tree is actually the top of a tree, which cannot be used to make the high-value wood products for which the trunks have been harvested. //
// American forests are thriving. The total forest area in the US is within one percent of what it was 100 years ago. During the last 60 years, forest resources have increased by more than 50% in the US and 94% in the Southeast, where Enviva’s operations are located. //
// In 2017, total US wood consumption related to European wood pellet demand is projected to represent approximately 3% of total tons harvested in 2012 for all forest products industries. //