Don't you think it would me more polite to ask him dirctly on some thread you find him. I'd be mightily stressed if someone posted a thread about my avatar in News.
my standard avatar will return, after remembrance. Pity you can't put aside your sniping at this time when we remember those that created the freedom that you so readily employ.
we take our poppies off Nov 12th to show the fallen were cut down prematurely. And luckily Tora - made of sterner stuff has NOT been stressed by being asked - he has seized the moment and taken the moral high ground !
The Japanese use the Cherry blossom, and that has the property that the blossom falls whilst in full bloom. The parallel for them, with the kamikaze pilots and other sacrifices during the war is inescapable.
Well it struck me as certainly, anti British Legion if nothing else. I have never been chugged by any British Legion member to purchase a poppy. I have the highest admiration for these, sometimes, elderly stalwarts who stand out in all weathers collecting for a worthy cause. Shame on you to describe them as "chuggers". The Old Contemptables I respect. I do not appreciate the contempt you display for the British Legion.
British Legion chugger?
I'll wager it'll be a cold hard day in hell before I'm accosted in the High St by some spotty surfer-dude with a tabard, bleached blond barnet, clipboard, skinny jeans and Ugg boots.
RBL Poppy Appeal collectors have far more decorum, common decency and good manners.