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Think Your Kids Are A Pain.....

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ToraToraTora | 12:32 Thu 06th Nov 2014 | News
5 Answers
look at this little darling......
""I like Islamic State because they pursue Sharia and kill infidels, non-Sunnis and those who converted from Islam," he says." - Always good to have a clear direction in youth eh?



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What a lovely little saucepan.

If anyone had doubts about fundamentalist Islamic aims then this should clear their mind.

Although, I have in my hand a piece of paper ..
Fundamentalists in most religions are scary.
True but they dont usually want to axe your head off.
You normally post from the toilet youngmafbog ?
Bit too much info there methinks.
Aaaww, bless...

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Think Your Kids Are A Pain.....

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