Film, Media & TV3 mins ago
And This Is How They Repaid Us.
24 Answers
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-28 26076/I t-could n-t-tra nquil-c orner-E ngland- Libyan- cadets- arrived -train- claims- erupted -rape-v iolence .html
/// Inside the 200-acre site near Cambridge, an old aircraft hangar has been converted into a mosque. Signs are displayed in Arabic. The living quarters have been refurbished to reflect Muslim religious and cultural sensitivities (individual shower cubicles replacing open-plan washing facilities because Islam forbids a man from seeing another man naked). ///
/// One young, slightly-built British soldier serving in the canteen attracted the attention of a group of his Libyan counterparts. They approached their translator with a question: Could they ‘buy him?’ ///
/// ‘They wanted him for sex,’ said the soldier’s wife. ‘They kept asking the translator how much “he” would cost so they could have him and rape him. ///
Perhaps as the Libyan flag was lowed and the 3 buses left, one of our quiet English villages can return to normal?
/// Inside the 200-acre site near Cambridge, an old aircraft hangar has been converted into a mosque. Signs are displayed in Arabic. The living quarters have been refurbished to reflect Muslim religious and cultural sensitivities (individual shower cubicles replacing open-plan washing facilities because Islam forbids a man from seeing another man naked). ///
/// One young, slightly-built British soldier serving in the canteen attracted the attention of a group of his Libyan counterparts. They approached their translator with a question: Could they ‘buy him?’ ///
/// ‘They wanted him for sex,’ said the soldier’s wife. ‘They kept asking the translator how much “he” would cost so they could have him and rape him. ///
Perhaps as the Libyan flag was lowed and the 3 buses left, one of our quiet English villages can return to normal?
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/// Well, I was nowhere near the end of the article and it made my blood boil. What a bloody outrage. ///
Yes, but because it wasn't some Far-Right group getting up to such doings, I don't suppose it will attract much outrage from others.
Where are the EDL or Britain First, when you need them?
/// Well, I was nowhere near the end of the article and it made my blood boil. What a bloody outrage. ///
Yes, but because it wasn't some Far-Right group getting up to such doings, I don't suppose it will attract much outrage from others.
Where are the EDL or Britain First, when you need them?
that's a myth Baza - the disadvantages of so doing (impeding alertness, etc) far outweighed the advantages.
http:// www.sno /milita ry/salt peter.a sp
here's the same story from the guardian, and with a similar tone
http:// www.the guardia k-news/ 2014/no v/04/la nsley-c riticis es-mini stry-de fence-s erious- failure -libyan -milita ry-trai ning
did the guardian also display Nazi-loving tendencies, canary?
did the guardian also display Nazi-loving tendencies, canary?
How on earth did the MOD expect to train this rag tag, Mickey Mouse bunch of misfits.
Why spend money on converting a hangar into a mosque. This shower of Libya's finest obviously have no respect for their own so called religion, if they are consuming vast quantities of liquor, and have no respect for the British Army Training Staff or the civilians of Bassingbourn. They do not seem to mind the naked male body when they are raping but not in the shower. Just shows what a sham Libya's army and their religion is. I believe they should be introduced to army discipline at Colchester military prison and be forced to survive on a diet of bacon butties.
Why spend money on converting a hangar into a mosque. This shower of Libya's finest obviously have no respect for their own so called religion, if they are consuming vast quantities of liquor, and have no respect for the British Army Training Staff or the civilians of Bassingbourn. They do not seem to mind the naked male body when they are raping but not in the shower. Just shows what a sham Libya's army and their religion is. I believe they should be introduced to army discipline at Colchester military prison and be forced to survive on a diet of bacon butties.
/// Do we have to have this site swamped every day with articles from the Daily Mail (the paper which supported the Nazis in the Thirties - says it all). ///
Oh dear the usual from the usual suspect, harping back nearly 8o years, so as to have a dig at the Mail, I suppose he missed the more recent fact that it was the Daily Mail who campaigned and got some of the Stephen Lawrence's killers imprisoned.
But is it the Daily Mail he dislikes or is it the fact that they reported on something he would rather not be reported on? If it is the Daily Mail, is this more palatable to his sensitive tastes?
http:// www.the guardia k-news/ 2014/no v/04/la nsley-c riticis es-mini stry-de fence-s erious- failure -libyan -milita ry-trai ning
Or perhaps this report?
http:// www.jih adwatch .org/20 14/11/l ibyan-s oldier- blames- brits-f or-sex- attacks -by-lib yan-cad ets-in- uk-they -didnt- tell-us -whats- the-dif ference -betwee n-right -and-wr ong-her e
/// Do we have to have this site swamped every day with articles from the Daily Mail (the paper which supported the Nazis in the Thirties - says it all). ///
Oh dear the usual from the usual suspect, harping back nearly 8o years, so as to have a dig at the Mail, I suppose he missed the more recent fact that it was the Daily Mail who campaigned and got some of the Stephen Lawrence's killers imprisoned.
But is it the Daily Mail he dislikes or is it the fact that they reported on something he would rather not be reported on? If it is the Daily Mail, is this more palatable to his sensitive tastes?
Or perhaps this report?
"Could the Libyan's have been showing they had a sense of humour? How many tourists holidaying in North Africa have been offered X number of camels in exchange for their wives?"
Quite an allowance for a dark sense of humour there, Sandy. Not many belly laughs in rape, female or male.
It could be that they are perverted, out of control rich kids used to getting exactly what they want when they want it.
Quite an allowance for a dark sense of humour there, Sandy. Not many belly laughs in rape, female or male.
It could be that they are perverted, out of control rich kids used to getting exactly what they want when they want it.
The most scandalous aspect of this dire affair is that, had the "cadets" not disgraced themselves so badly it is doubtful that many people in this country would have learnt that UK facilities are being used in this way at all.
Despite the shenanigans, Colonel Ali el-Karom, the military attaché at the Libyan embassy in London said (among other things) "...we will still need the training from the MoD in order to make our country strong and secure,” Since when has it been the responsibility of the UK to make Libya strong and secure and what's in it for us anyway?
The ridiculous acquiescence of the UK authorities also beggars belief. Apart from the usual nonsense of providing a mosque and other "Muslim compliant" facilities, even a monument erected in honour of WW2 U.S. servicemen was fenced off when cadets arrived. It was thought the statue, featuring the propeller of a B-17, would upset them. Why on earth do we continue with this appeasement?
In any case, their misbehaviour is all the fault of the UK authorities apparently. Earlier in the week one of those suspected of sexual assault suggested (and this has been confirmed by one of the articles that AOG provided) that the UK authorities failed in their duty by not teaching the trainees (who seem to be in their 20s and 30s) what is right and what is wrong. So I assume that violent sexual assault and rape is perfectly acceptable in Libya. No wonder they want their country to be "strong and secure".
Stand by for those accused (and probably a few more) to lodge their applications for asylum on the basis they will be in peril as a result of their misdemeanours should they return and for the Prime Minister to announce that they would not be allowed to remain here (as it will probably make him “physically sick“ if they were). Meanwhile whilst copious appeals are launched against every decision that goes against them they will quietly melt into the Muslim "community" here and remain forevermore.
Despite the shenanigans, Colonel Ali el-Karom, the military attaché at the Libyan embassy in London said (among other things) "...we will still need the training from the MoD in order to make our country strong and secure,” Since when has it been the responsibility of the UK to make Libya strong and secure and what's in it for us anyway?
The ridiculous acquiescence of the UK authorities also beggars belief. Apart from the usual nonsense of providing a mosque and other "Muslim compliant" facilities, even a monument erected in honour of WW2 U.S. servicemen was fenced off when cadets arrived. It was thought the statue, featuring the propeller of a B-17, would upset them. Why on earth do we continue with this appeasement?
In any case, their misbehaviour is all the fault of the UK authorities apparently. Earlier in the week one of those suspected of sexual assault suggested (and this has been confirmed by one of the articles that AOG provided) that the UK authorities failed in their duty by not teaching the trainees (who seem to be in their 20s and 30s) what is right and what is wrong. So I assume that violent sexual assault and rape is perfectly acceptable in Libya. No wonder they want their country to be "strong and secure".
Stand by for those accused (and probably a few more) to lodge their applications for asylum on the basis they will be in peril as a result of their misdemeanours should they return and for the Prime Minister to announce that they would not be allowed to remain here (as it will probably make him “physically sick“ if they were). Meanwhile whilst copious appeals are launched against every decision that goes against them they will quietly melt into the Muslim "community" here and remain forevermore.