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So How Many Miles Per Hour

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ilovemarkb | 21:13 Wed 12th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
has the probe (rosetta mission) done on average to reach that comet three hundred million miles away and taken ten years???????


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it has travelled 6.4 billion km in 10 years which works out at 20.29 km/s =45,400 mph (think i've got the decimal points in the right places)
Question Author
ohh wow thanks!!!
'tis definitely a wow
I think it's a waste of money.
they didn't send the money up in the rocket, it went to people and businesses
I still can't see the point. Sorry.
Science is never a waste.

That's an average speed, the reality is that it speeds up and slows down due to the gravitational changes it experiences as it closes and moves away from large celestial bodies...... damn clever all the same
I agree that it's clever, but I really can't see the point.
So, Tilly, you're not interested in how life began on this planet?
Tilly2 the Rosetta comet cost the average person about £3.00.
A cinema ticket costs about £7.00.
Without space exploration you wouldn't have:

CAT scanners
Cordless power tools
Memory foam
Smoke detectors
Mobile phones
Sat Nav
The internet
Sky TV

Is it still a waste of money?
Not really, no, Zacs. I'm more interested in what 'life' is now doing to our planet.
//So, Tilly, you're not interested in how life began on this planet?//

"In the beginning God created the world..."

Cue Goodlife.
Ah, Righto.
Frog Nog, I had no idea. I am obviously out of my league here. I will bow out.

Always good to do a bit of research before commenting on subjects one knows nowt about.
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Even so, Zacs. I still have this feeling that it seems to me to be a waste of a lot of money.

Hey ho.
methyl, I hope you are not referring to me as 'dross'
It can be discussed wherever folks like and to describe follow Abers as dross is quite offensive Methyl
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