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mra1 | 17:54 Fri 28th Nov 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Stuck on the last one - 24 own - betrayed husband as historian of Marxism C?R?U - would much appreciate enlightenment!


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Cornu would fit and the horns are the sign of the cuckold.
Auguste Cornu
Overview page. Subjects: literature.
Historian of Marxism. His doctoral thesis of 1934 was the first French academic work on Marx. After World War II he moved to East Berlin, and his scholarly volumes ...
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Thank you both very much indeed!
Well done Mamya!!
Milady pipped me.
Team work I think - hope you're well.
Hi Mamya
Relatively well.
A bit sad here as just had to clear the ancient aunt's house for sale. (She died early summer). End of an era as she and my grandmother and uncles lived in that house since the 1960s .
Life goes on, though.

Hope you too are well.
Apologies to mra
Yes, sad times but the memories never fade.x

I am fine.

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