It's difficult for me to join in this thread as once again, everyone's name has disappeared from their avatar so I am just going to speak in general.Some people are complaining about mothers feeding their babies milk in public, why?Is it because they did it in an eatery or because it was a public place in which case they would be unhappy about seeing this on a train, bus, in a park etc. Perhaps whoever is complaining could answer this question. Do you have a problem with a mother breastfeeding her baby in public? Would you have a problem with someone who is invited into your house feeding her baby in your presence? If we are just talking about people who are embarrassed about this happening in an eatery then why are they looking? If I noticed this happening, I'm not going to stare,I'm just going to get on with eating and if I was embarrassed, I would either change seats with someone or just not look.I still don't understand what the problem is though. Are people embarrassed about seeing a woman's nipple, because that wouldn't happen.You would only see the top of a woman's breast which is no different than seeing a woman wearing a low cut dress. Please don't suggest a baby should be fed in the toilets as although it might look nice, at the end of the day it is not a place for eating in. I wish I could understand the problem but I really can't.