Lifting up this thread a bit,
the channel below BBC news is Al jazeera ( The Island )
Look out for " Syria - the last assignment" - quite a bit of Arabic with English subtitles. Completely unpronounceable is a journalist who goes around N Syria newsgathering and then the people he is filming .... shoot him
Not on camera. They get hold of the camera and his last footage form the major part of the programme. They fill the journo FULL of bullets (20) and leave the other five who report what happened and have obvious survivors' guilt.
The Arab journo yaps on in Arabic and then says in Arabic, "the gunman's compa nion says clearly in English...." then the journo puts on quite a good Essex accent, " I told you not to do that. I told you not to shoot him in the car." and the shooter says again in English " oops sorry " and there follows more commentary in Arabic
well what was that all about ? two English jihadis taking out a named Arab journo and leaving the others....
Thought provoking. well worth a view