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it seems to me that Islam has become the faith of hate & murder & so the UKs policy of welcome all faiths has gone astray. I'm beginning to wonder if Islam should be officially banned in this country as Christianity is outlawed in some extreme Arabic countries, or are we too soft to take that approach ?
@corby. It's their raison d'etre to trawl the internet and complain about/report to the police negative comment.
You say you know nothing about them yet leap to their defence at every opportunity. Why not look up some information about them to assist you in your quest. You'll probably like them, freedom of thought & expression are as like Kryptonite to them as they are to left wing liberals.
Yes whiskeryron, if they don't start putting their own house in order we'll be left with no choice but to help them. Or assist them to settle in countries that suit them better.
I think only comments that are illegal should be removed, anything else is just opinion. Same with different faiths- believe what you like- but keep it to yourself. It's only actions that are illegal and not all Muslims are extremists.
Not all muslims are extremists but they all have the same 'end-game' as a goal. Some just cheer from the sidelines.
Yes ron, I would LOVE islam to be officially banned in this country - no hopes though !
Corby there's even a section where you can donate on here
SVEK post the answers I have given in support of the TellMAMA project (shouldn't be hard for you if I'm always leaping to their defence) After that, post a link to where they have called for negative comments on Islam to be made a criminal offence
Tell Mama go to all sorts of lengths to ban free speech but happy to insult other groups (sounds familiar). Hopefully this corrupt organisation gets to be fully exposed
I am Muslim and I would say that it should stay as it is because it is in reaction helping Islam to spread more. More propaganda, more people try to find about a religion, more people try finding, more people realise that Islam is not what we are told in the media. So Thanks.
"Not all muslims are extremists but they all have the same 'end-game' as a goal. Some just cheer from the sidelines."

For Funks Sake...
Keyplus, as one who is very clearly cheering from the side-lines, your post at 21:54 Sat 03rd Jan speaks volumes, but you’re right in one respect. More people are realising that Islam is not as much of the media – and as many defenders of Islam here would have it – an innocuous religion that poses no threat to the west.

No, those comments should not be removed from social media sites.
No response from SVEJK then...
".. to where they have called for negative comments on Islam to be made a criminal offence"

Hi thecorbyloon, tell-mama basically want any incident against islam made the same status as a racially aggravated criminal offence, and that would include anything perceived to verbally insulting etc.

THECORBYLOON /// No response from SVEJK then... ///

I have a lot of things I need to attend to. Trying to educate you is way down the list.
Check out their own website, in motley's post. They'll help you bring perceived 'insults' to the attention of the police.
They have a, disingenuous, list of 250 people 'they've' successfully prosecuted.
Curiously, they encourage you to get in touch if, say, an EDL member insults the RoP, but do not under any circumstances report Stephen Fry for the same thing. How odd.

To help get the picture here, this tax payers funded tell-mama (or tell-lies) are notorious for threatening and taking legal action against people or say or write anything negative about their organisation.

I'm with pixie, only comments that are illegal in the UK should be removed if reported
^I'd agree with that except they've had their government funding stopped. For lying and fomenting inter-religious conflict.
Yes sorry svejk, you're right, disgraceful stuff.
I don't use either site but assume they have measures in place to distinguish legitimate criticism / righteous anger from deliberate trolling / stirring. I'm generally opposed to censorship but there should be limits on freedom to cause trouble etc.. Hopefully there are posts that overstep a decent framework of rules that are already in place ?

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