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Will This Bloke Ever Work Again?

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ToraToraTora | 11:33 Mon 05th Jan 2015 | News
93 Answers
It is after all difficult for any criminal to get work so I guess he's going to struggle.


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Gromit...never thought of that !

Perhaps he could become a Barber in a Monastery, thus removing any chance of him getting into temptation again !
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that's the problem mikey/retro people who have been to jail struggle to get any sort of job.
... especially when people band together to stop them getting back to work
I do know of a few former cons who do an honest days work. I know of a gentleman bricklayer who taught his skills to cons in our local prison (Highdown). They actually leave prison with work qualifications and why not if it gives them a chance in life to better themselves.
If I am expected to feel sympathy for a convicted rapist who is unable to return to his overpaid sport I can direct him to the word sympathy in the dictionary. It lies between soot and syphilis. I reserve my sympathy for the victims of crime.
so to stop him returning to his profession is helping who exactly?
Can I just point out to those who keep assuming he has served his sentence that he actually hasn't, he did half of his sentence of 5 years imprisonment and is on licence for 2.5 years, he will have served it after that time has passed.
It will be down to the sponsers really.

And let's face it, who would want their name/product associated with rape?

Will he work? Hope so just can't say at what though.
Its all getting a bit too much like a witch hunt for me now
In fact I'm wondering if there is not a petition to get him re-instated to some club or other
He's best to go on a job training scheme for an alternative occupation.
On here we have statements that jury knew best, he should show remorse (for something he says was not rape, so why would he be showing remorse?) and that he is only half way through sentence etc. He is out and he needs to do something. If he is a good footballer and goal scorer why not allowed to do that?
There is an appeal in process.
" The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) said in October that they would fast-track its inquiry into Evans' sentence, however it could still take 35 weeks for the independent public body to make a decision."
It seems is also guilty and convicted of having an overpaid job.
I agree with NJ on this one.

He has been released after completing only 50% of his 5 year sentence, and he is now out on some kind of licence I presume. He is also on the "Violent and Sex Offender Register" indefinitely, although his appeal is pending.

Until his appeal is dealt with, I really can't see any Club taking him on. If he were to show some kind of remorse, maybe the situation would be different, but he hasn't shown any inclination so far.

I'm afraid that all this is of his on doing.

//If he were to show some kind of remorse, maybe the situation would be different, but he hasn't shown any inclination so far. //

However ,if he was to show some kind of remorse now - the accusation would be that he is only doing it to get back into football and that he is not really remorseful

no easy solutions here
How can he show remorse if he's claiming he's innocent?
I've not followed this story but it seems to me should an innocent be accused they would most likely deny guilt, and not show any remorse for something they didn't do. It seems a strange thing to judge someone on.

If he is found guilty then he will inevitably find it difficult to get a job in the public eye again. If found not guilty then it *ought* not affect him, but probably will.

Meantime, I don't think I'd want to attract flak by employing him yet. He should lie low until it's all settled.
Isn't the father of his girlfriend a wealthy businessman? He could give him a job.
On re-reading I see he has been convicted. In which case I'm very surprised anyone has expressed an interest yet.
I'm sure there are many people over the years who were either convicted or acquitted for something in which in fact the jury did not know best.
It'll be interesting to see for how long his girlfriend stands by him - it's a bit like the Prime Minister standing by a cabinet Minister , despite calls for him/her to go
The jury did the job required of them by the law of the country "knowing best" is immaterial, they made a judgement on evidence.... if we question that we question the whole system of law dating back how long??? Magna Carta?? He was convicted of Rape under the terms of our law, isn't that the way it should be??

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