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The Pluto Mission

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Imabeliever | 21:59 Mon 05th Jan 2015 | Science
28 Answers

It's an amazing time for science with Pluto, The Mars Mission and the Rosetta Stone mission amongst the many we're not being told about.

Are there plans to send a spacecraft into a black hole? What could we hope to learn from this mission and would it be futile due to the unknown forces the scientists want us to believe or has this all been a smokescreen with a mission already secretly on it's way?


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Surely some of your eminent scientific friends know?
The nearest black hole is a very long way away.
I can guarantee that if we ever developed the technology to go we would, but for now reaching Pluto is an amazing milestone and I for one will be thrilled to be one of the first people ever to see what it looks like.
I'm even more thrilled that it's planetary status has been reinstated before this happens.
Oops. Its, not it's.
What unknown forces?
^^we can never know !
Nobody knows.....they're unknown, silly.
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The unknown forces that bend and distort the space/time continuum. We claim to "Know" what they are but can we really unless we've already been there and know what to expect?
Can you give an example of the many we're not being told about?
-- answer removed --
"Within our group we count Nasa scientists, Quantum physicists-"
Surely you've discussed this with them?
It was a joke, Zacs ;)
Pluto's planetary status hasn't been reinstated, although evidently there's still some debate about it.

CGP Grey's video about whether or not it's a planet seemed a good discussion.
can someone please turn off the "Nutcases Welcome Here" sign?
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Let's remember that all the earths past geniuses were once labeled as "Nutcases" woofgang.
You are amusing but this section is science.
Except most of them, of course. But we'll gloss over that.
Not officially yet Jim but it looks good and most opinion wants it to be.
I personally would like it to be reinstated
The Voyager space probe has only just reached the edge of our solar system, ie past Pluto and the ort cloud, and it was launched around 40 years ago. It has not yet travelled even one light year.

The nearest black hole that is thought to exist is thousands of light years away, so it'd be impossible to send a probe there presently with current technology.
no jim, the scientists were labelled dangerous madmen because people were scared they might be right, this guy is just away with the fairies and a close personal friend of that much misjudged man David Icke :)

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